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Is there a hypoallergenic at that you would recommend for someone being new to cats? I heard the Russian Blue is great, but I wouldn't like to have a cat without fur... Thanks!!!!

There are no guarrantees but the only breed I have heard of to be a bit kinder is sibirians. And it is not the fur that causes allergy, it's the saliva and skin of the cat :)

I heard that raw food is no good for kitties as it can cause worms. Is it true??

No that is not true as long as you don't give rotten meat. If you give fresh meat, there are no worries for parasites and bacteria. The cat is built to take care of such things if it would occur

Hi:) can a female cat go in heat while pregnant? :O

No :) If she does, she is most likely pseudopregnant

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How much do cats sleep in a day? I feel like my cat sleeps a lot more cause he's bored.

Cats do sleep a lot, but yes if they are bored they will be sleeping a bit more. Buy some new toys, som e activation toys and maybe put out some birdfeeders outside so he can watch the birds.
Also, cats who eat dry food is a bit sleepier than others, I have noticed that since I stopped giving dry kibbles regularly

What camera you use to take pictures of your awesome cats :D i myself own a cat and was wondering what camera to buy to take pictures of him :)

I use a Nikon D7000 and the new lens is a Tamron 17-50mm and I love them both to death. They are both affordable with great quality <3

If a cat is 20 weeks old..(we adopt them) is it harder to get used to their new home then if the were younger

20 weeks is still young so that is not a problem :)

Do i have to buy a fully different box ??? Answer on the Q:My cat don't want to use the toilet but i've refreshed it 2x a week and i've tried Many litter fillings?

The cat might want one more box, that is very common. It is one of the easiest way to try to change this behaviour and I hope that is enough.

I have a British shorthair M that is 8 months old and I have a 12 year old mini shihtzu dog F. My BSH keeps hissing and "punching" my dog whenever she walks close to him. But as soon as she turns away, he approaches her carefully and smell her butt. How to make him comfortable/like with her?

This is the process of getting to know each other, it can take a while so just let them meet for a while every day and treat the cat with something special when he's being good.
Also don't punish the cat right now, it can make things worse.

Hi! One of my two cats is turning 1 y/o in three weeks. I am so excited! What would be a fun thing to do for the birthday that cats would enjoy? My other cat turned 1 y/o last week and we did AvoDerm canned food, catnip and balloons. Unfortunately, none of it were a hit. What can I do to improve?

Syazwi Mazli
Im so glad that you want to do something special for your cat's birthday :)
Actually I think it is hard too to find something that they really like.
Couldn't a new scratcher be a great idea? Im pretty sure they would enjoy that :) If your cats are very active then get them a floor to ceiling tree <3

My cat don't want to use the toilet but i've refreshed it 2x a week and i've tried Many litter fillings

Try one more box :)

Hi Josephine! Will you be breeding Zinna and Muffin next year or the year after (2016)? Your cats are stunning! Do you sell them or have them adopted?

Hello :)
Yes I will be breeding them next year and they are sold as pets or show/breed.

How big are your cat trees? A friend bought a to small one..his cat didn't fit in the tree when he was 9 months old hahha

I have them in all different sizes. Take some measurements or read the measurements of the scratcher's sleeping posts and think about the size of your cat. Also there are some trees that you can change parts of, just buy a bigger post to put in it :)

Hi, I have a one and a half year old sibirian cat. I always read that it's not good to have a single inside cat so I'm considering a Second cat because I'm worried he might be unhappy after everything I read. Do you think cats need another cat to be happy? P.s: he is never home alone long:)

This is very individual, cats are exactly like us and we are all different. If your cat seems happy then I wouldn't recommend another cat, it can actually have the opposite effect and you will end up with two cats that hate each other.
But it can also go well, only you know your cat and can make the right decisions for him so talk to your cat about it before you change anything in his life :)

Is it bad for a cat to stay home alone for 9-10 hours?

No that is ok, just make sure that there is water, food and safe toys to play with :)

Why can't we breed normal crossbreeds? Aren't the cats on the streets okay?

Because you don't know what those cats carry, and that your offsprings will be a victim to. Please take care of our cat society <3

Hi. You mentioned about a test a few answers down (the one regarding >1 y/o female and 7 m/o male). What kind of test is that? What is it for? Would you care to elaborate? Where can I read more about it? I am genuinely curious.

Each breed has their own health program, and it is important to follow that. Because otherwise you might reproduce health problems in the kittens you are responsible for.
If you have crossbreeds - don't breed on them!
Me who has ragdolls are testing the blood to see the blood type (A+B can equal a bunch of dead kittens) Im checking for Fiv/FeLv, PKD and HCM dna. Also I do ultrasound of heart and kidneys. When all is clear, the cat's are ready to breed on :)
(Please please I beg of you, don't breed on untested cats! This is what we breeders are trying to get rid of)
Take good care and responsability of the lives you are bringing to this world <3

Hullo! My female cat is over a year old and my male is 7 months old. I'm hoping for kittens but am wondering of you have any tips. The male is always sniffing her but doesn't seem to interested. She's in heat at the moment.

The male isn't really mature yet. I guess you haven't done the tests yet? Wait until he is about a year and do the tests first. The female is ready to be tested now so you can start with her :)
Good luck! <3

Hej! När min han katt var kattunge spann han nått så enormt. Men efter att jag kastrerade honom så slutade han. Han är fortfarande lika gosig, om inte mer, men om man lägger örat mot han så känner man vibrationerna. Men inget ljud haha. Några tankar om varför?

Det finns så många olika slags spinnande ljud och anledningar till de. Thea har ett väldigt tyst kurrande ljud medan de andra är ganska högljudda.
Det kan ha med åldern att göra, eller en instinkt att de inte vill göra sig synlig för faror som kan höra eller så är det bara en personlighetsgrej :)
Detta kan komma att ändras under kattens liv, till både högre eller mer avtagande ljud :)

how can I train my cat to do the same snuggle in the morning like muffin?

Im not sire that is possible, this behaviour has a lot to do with how they learn to become as a kitten. The most important time of forming a kitten's behaviour is between the age of 6-12 weeks

Hi again. I am the guy with one of his two cats being a picky pooper (litterboxes has to be cleaned at least once a day). Is there any way to change this or am I destined to live the rest of my life cleaning the litterboxes everyday?

Syazwi Mazli
Have you tried to just pick up the droppings as soon as you see it?
And try one more litterbox, then they would not be as "soiled" as fast


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