
cherie chan

Ask @cheriezeng

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I heard design school has 'market spoiler'? who is it in your class/course?

ermm, it really depends ah, jokingly or serious kind?
cos my class has really quite a number of "market spoilers" & i'm certainly not one of them! hahhah

How did you get over ur first love? I'm trying to get over mine but Idk how :( any advice?

Honestly i dont even know if i have a 'first love' :/
U dont have to get over him, just dont think about him that often (:
Just keep urself busy, dont let urself have time to even think about him.
go out often with ur friends,
& if u ever think of him, just let it be a happy memory, that u will forever treasure.

Where do you usually get most of your clothes from? I like your fashion!

hmmm, bugis street, fleas, blogshops,

Do you know of any good blog shops? Nice clothes?

xccelerate, ohsofickle, shopeveryday, stylelustgirl, younghungryfree?

do you have any ideas for valentine day gifts? for boyfriend and girlfriends?

make smth! don't spend money for valentines, its more like a couple thing, so maybe making smth is more special?

uhm I don't know if you still rmb me or not but I'm here to give it a try, I rmb asking you if I still had time for O levels or not then I said if I managed to pass it I'll come talk to you and try to be friends hahaha

hahah! i can't really rmb, but hi!


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