

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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Good morning beautiful ! I'll guess today is your tennis finals ? ?? (hoping im not wrong) Anyways , goodluck in your match. Train hard fight easy. Hope your opponent is not as good as you tho. And this time really im sure your winning. Enjoy yourself strong lady ?

good morning!! ? wow omg thanks for all those encouragements :""") thank u so much hehe ? although im pretty sure im gonna screw the match up :(

Hello Strong lady ! Oh well whats new to being late right ?? , its normal really. Anyway , hows your monday been ? :))

monday was okay!!! actually okay with mondays cos i like the timetable :) and had dinner w akina :) food and company was good!!

Hi Good Morning Cheryl ! Hope you have a great comfy monday with this kind of weather. And hope you start your day with a positive mindset ! :))

great comfy weather hmm.....which caused me to be late af HAHAHAHA kidding, have a good day too!

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Wow thats what i really called a (Productive day) well spent. ? So you got an dental appt isit due to wisdom tooth or braces ? Went out for tennis session w your friends then followed by gym ?? You must be keeping fit. And i hope your not tired tho , you went out since morning !! ?

i went to dental for braces!!! most likely putting on braces soon but i'm q scared bc i'll look like shit w braces........but i think my teeth desperately needs a fix so....? haha also realised that my wisdom tooth has already grown out!!
hahaha omg i was so tired after yesterday, so i slept at like 11pm? ? earliest i've sleep so far omg

Oh dont feel guilty seriously , you've been studying on weekdays non-stop. So its okay to take a short break from all the notes and books you been looking at. So , what did you Do today ?

i don't rly study on weekdays ?
i met afiqah for breakfast at cedele, went for my dental appt alone then did some shopping alone before meeting rachel. had froyo w her and then we talked and did a bit of grocery shopping HAHA and then i cabbed home & had dinner then met ryan & nigel for tennis :-) we only played for like an hour haha then we went to the gym!!! :)

Too bad ! Wanna watched with me if i asked you out ? (Nah just joking i know it will never happened) ? Hmm so hows your day strong lady ?

pretty slack!!!! fun day bc i spend the day w 4 friends :)) but other than that i feel extremely guilty bc i didnt study at all today.....

Ouh i see. Then have you yet to watched the movie Papertowns ? I heard it was not that bad tho , quite good reviews about it.

not yet too! :(

Hello Cheryl. Hows your day been today ? Did you have the opportunity to watched this year NE Show for NDP ?

nope i don't! :(

As much as i enjoy interacting with you here. Its already past midnight. I dont wish to disturb your sleeping time. Tks for making my day , eventhough i embarrassed myself just now ? Goodnight ttys Strong Lady ! ??

goodnight!! :)

Noted. Just asking you regards about it cause it seems your very passionate in learning martial arts. No worries ! :)) Sleeping late tonight ?

yup i guess so!! wanted to stay up to do some work but i'm feeling v tired tho...probably gonna crash soon ?

do you use wechat or kik?

used to have kik but deleted it alr!!! wechat i think still have....i think

? Anyways Cheryl , are you still keen in learning martial arts. Like Muay Thai or probably some jitjitsu ? Just to keep fit and at the same time gain knowlegde about each martial arts ?

um of course i am!!! just not free to learn them atm cos of school :( sigh

No i insist ! Sincerely apologised , seriously feeling embarrassed about this. Hope you really dont mind about it ??

dont need apologise rly!!!! what's there to apologise for ????

Oops ! , i hope im not in trouble for that (fingercrossed) That wont be happening again Cheryl .. promise ?

hUh hahah it's okay!!!! what r u apologising for! ?

Hi Cheryl Haha ciao keng !! (Just joking dont get mad pls) Revising , wow you very hardworking eh ? Anyways , hows your preparation for your next Wednesday double finals ??

OOPS did u forget to anon yourself HAHAHA. errrrmmm not doing any preparation for it tho!!! hahaha

Hi Cheryl , sorry for late reply ! Had a very long busy day. Anyways , you survive those thurs timetable and you got it thru which is a accomplishment itself. No worries ! ? Anys , hows friday for you ?

hope u had a fufilling day today!!! ☺️ hmmm didn't go to school today so i spent my day resting haha and revised for a bit!!! :)

There's no need to be envious. If you already set a goal to what you want , probably it may takes time. But nah slowly but surely you get there ✌ So Strong lady , hows school today ?

thank u!!! i'm rly in need of some motivation now ? school was...pretty meh ? hate thursdays because i have the worst timetable ever hahaha

Hello Cheryl. No im obviously not a pro !! -? But i do learn for a year already now. I more focus on MT and jitjitsu cause it really build up your groundgame. Its difficult juggling with school/work and learning martial arts as well ..

omg so envious ?

Well !! Krav Maga is a contact combat self defense which more on hand movements speed and agility. For Muay Thai basiclly its more to standup striking and they call it 'art of the 8 limbs' which involved knees , elbows and etc. Good for a sports lady like you to protect yourself when neccessary! ?

woah u sound like a pro HAHA do u take part in such classes!!!! rly wanna join but i can't afford any time now atm :( sigh

Firstly congrats and secondly all the best for the finals next Wed ! Wishing you firsthand first ? Anys if you love sport , and love keeping fit. Do you mind learing martial arts ? Like jitjitsu or mma ? ?

thank u!!!! :) nope i don't mind learning!!! in fact i wanted to take up krav maga/muay thai/etc since the start of this year!!


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