

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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u must get to know her (well) first then you'd realise that!!!!! at first she was like a really ordinary ogm to me and we weren't even close at all (we didn't talk for the first three days hahahaha) but once u start talking to her & she starts telling u bullshit and acts like a rly small girl it's cute hehe
Liked by: sherrr

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sher's literally my fav girl in the og omg and also the one i love the most of those i met in tpj. she's (literally) full of shit sometimes and i really feel like punching her at times HAHA but she's too cute for me to do that. &&& she's really small as well (skinny & not tall hehe) and it just makes her cuter in a way. nothing can describe how sad i feel because we are in different classes (& moreover, different streams) and i hate how we have to be separated :( i know i'm definitely gonna miss linking arms together with her & holding hands when we walk around in school & i'm gonna miss listening to her rant and talk bullshit & ask her to shut up & laugh at idiotic people with her & miss getting food with her & always hearing her whine about getting cookies from cafe. really gonna miss her shitloads sigh but i rly rly hope to see her v often in school :"(

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Liked by: sherrr

GOODNIGHT RYL SEE U TMRW LOVE U!!! (i will try to stay awake and tell u when im reaching ur stop hahahaha)

YES PLS don't oversleep hahaha goodnight ❤️

THE ONE U SAID U WERE CONFUSED but it doesnt matter hehe

HAHAHA OKAY luv u pls sleep now if not you'd be tired tomorrow

Thats the truth. Everyone else is noisy funny weird loud bitchy genious overachiever slacker emo care abt popz and too quiet. Youre the only friend i have who is normal. Who makes sense.

awww who r u :(

Why u dont want to answer them?

cos most of them are retarded/not even questions/sick questions so yeah i don't bother replying to them

fuck cheryl what am i reading . dont think of dying okay , live life the longest you can and make every moment worth living . nobody's gonna make u happy, so u gotta make ur ownself happy and when its time god wants to take u away, make sure u have no regrets u did

omg why do u sound like i'm thinking of suicide or something HAHA i swear i'm not suicidal!!!! i'm fine, really :(

How much physical touch/contact should a relationship have in your opinion

hahaha i don't really like too much physical contact honestly......it depends on individual i guess, if u don't mind your boyfriend touching you a lot then ya...?


Language: English