

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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How did you and your bf get to know each other? Classmates?

When I realised he was in the same math class for the first time, he asked for my number from my friend and so ya he got it from him. And then he started texting me and talking to me irl so that's all how it started hahaha

What is daylight saving that you're mentioning abt in your dayre? The gmt position of Tasmania changes as the year goes by?

Nah its not just tasmania! Its australia. During winter, we have longer nights and shorter days and our time is pushed back by an hour. Usually the time diff between sg and aussie is 3 hours but during daylight saving time it's reduced to only 2 hours. Now that winter's over, its back to 3 hours! :)

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does being vegan affect your relationship with others? ( I mean like during meal times being vegan will restrict you from joining your friends for meals at times )

Hmm not really! The people i eat with usually would know that im vegan already so they will accomodate to me :) i will also try to accomodate to them by suggesting non-vegan places offering vegan options so its a win-win situation for both of us! But honestly speaking my friends are usually very open to veganism & they are willing to try vegan food with me so all's good :)

when u accidentally ate something that's not vegan, will you continue to eat it or just throw it away?

Joan Chen
Depends i guess. If its meat then hell no I'd definitely throw it away without a second thought. Dairy too actually.....what im not so particular about is honey especially when its in small amounts like 1% honey in a bag of granola. That i'll eat - if i bought it accidentally

what if the ex main motive of texting is to tell u that he is attached? and he is aware that you're single and lonely not just in school but elsewhere too

Such a dick omg but okay just be happy and move on??? Let him know you're fine without him

Ohh cos i m planning to go to Aussie for uni but the cost is kinda too high for me. I thought that students are not allowed to work

haha you can work after studying like...2 years i think? then they will give you 2 years of working visa or something like that

but wouldn't answering him "doing very gd without u" something like u want to catch his attention? and would u bother continuing the convo if he replies to it?

nah I don't think it's attention seeking? HAHA. He'd probably be dick enough to reply "that's great" and I will just not continue afterwards

if your ex was the one that hurt you but denied it when asked from his friends, and then all of a sudden he texted u how's things OUTTA blue, will u reply him or kinda blue tick him? oh and after texting u, he changed all his account privacy to 'contacts only', tryna tell u u r not in his's

i'd just be like "thanks for asking but i'm doing very good without you" LOL

they says CTs are suppose to care for students welfare, what welfare exactly tho hahah

Like your life outside school I guess HAHAHA idk...your physical and mental well being too??

How to go o'bean? It seems so ulu

I cabbed there with my mum when i went there. You can take train to tanjong pagar and find your directions using google maps. Actually some buses go there too you can check it out

Do u know where can get nice mango sticky rice in SG?

Hmmm I think thai express?? Oh or nakhon kitchen! (They changed their name so google for it)

what food did you eat on plane when you travel from aussie back to sg?

Vegan food..? Can't remember tbh haha i think it was fettucine

hi, what would you recommend to eat at sunny choice? it's my first time going there and i'm really spoilt for chocie! :)

Ive never been there sorry! :(


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