

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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well kc girls flocks to st.pats guys and suck their dicks for free arent?

if you want to go against me then do so but don't fucking insult the whole school for it???
& why involve both schools and generalise people?
fyi, kc girls aren't sluts so please watch your words.
Liked by: lining

YOU WINKED AT THEM because u want st.pat guys right??

yeah, T O T A L L Y.
what makes you think that i'll wink at them? because they are so-called 'hot & attractive' & that every girl will love them?
go on telling me things i've never heard or knew about myself.
think and say whatever you like, i'm not stopping you.
because i don't fucking care about what you say or think. :-)
Liked by: lining

how did u wink at st.pats guys then?

lol i believe you're the same anon who CLAIMED that i winked at a few st pats guys. & again please get your facts right, i've never winked at anyone & WHY WOULD I EVEN WINK AT THEM? please.

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St.pats guys so perfect?

are you asking me whether they are perfect or not / telling me they are perfect? because if you're telling me they are perfect then okay lol no comments but if you're asking me then i would say no

Blue colour bra........oops sorry!

that's a sports bra btw HAHAHA its okay, sports bra are meant to be seen (somehow) because it's almost the size of a tanktop

awkward smile hahahha, do u love fbt sport shirt so much?

hahaha yes of course i took it within 5 seconds hahahaha
yes i love fbt because its dry-fit and comfortable & i do sports most of the time so yessss

imitate me

"oh my goddddd *pulls her face physically with her hands*"
"lazy pig"
"i miss you/i love you" ♡
"where are we going tomorrow?"
"so rich sia you"
"is this nice??"
"i wanna change my phone to iphone"
"omg stupid phone"
"eh lend me your phone"
"* laughs by herself * "
omg miss you so much i can't even :'(
Liked by: lining

no one should define for who they are... YOUR BLOG HHAHAHAH but as in what do u think of their looks?

their looks are normal la they look normal HAHAHAHAHA they look human :-)

that must been really awkward for them..... what abt their looks?

HEY it was awkward for me too okay HAHAHA
hahaha no i'm not so mean to judge them on their looks, no one should define who they are

just turn and walk over.......? where did that happen?

can u not make it sound like i'm damn mean HAHAHAHA i can't remember where was that


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