

Ask @cheryyyyllll

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what is the diff btwn vegan and vegetarian?

Both don't eat meat but vegetarians consume dairy products like eggs, milk, cheese etc while vegans don't. Vegans also don't eat honey or buy any leather/wool products!

Care to recommend some dayre blogs that you would always read? :)

I love theterencelee & sandydandy! ? oh and also gilliansng~

as in like I previously given him the chance to patch things up btwn us, but he couldn't be bothered about it. and now that we have cross the '1 year mark' since we knew each other, he came in with a text trying to be my friend. in this case, should I also not be bothered about it?

I can't tell you what to do cos I'm not in your relationship and so I'll never understand from your POV. Cos when it comes to relationships it's hard to tell anyone what to do because ultimately you're the one who's in it and you know your partner best....so I can't judge or whatever. Be your own judge I'd say. Follow your heart & do what you think is best. : )

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is it a trendy thing now that after u break up you're suppose to be friend with your ex if not you're considered outdated etc

Huh not rly? Depends on the reason why y'all broke up duh....like if yall ended on a good note why not maintain as friends?? Unless he cheats on you or abuse you and you choose to leave then maintain a distance from him

how to gain confidence for op(s)

Just keep on practicing. Until you can go over the script over and over again without looking at it! Also try giving op to your classmates so that u can gain confidence in front of an audience. That helped a lot

now do you always edit your photos before uploading them on dayre? like your everyday meals etc! if yes, then what app & filter do you use? love your dayre and pictures!

Not all but mostly! Vscocam filters :)

and a handful of chips. I felt super guilty after that bcos i feel like it is a alot, considering i alr had dinner. Is it too much? The problem is I was really hungry. But i wasn't craving for these foods either - i had to grab wtv i could find bcos i was rly hungry. Is this considered a binge? :/

Honestly I wouldn't consider that a binge if you were really hungry. I mean I had binging episodes before and I remember how it felt like. I ate when I was already full but I just wanted to stuff myself mindlessly. Plus the amount you ate wasn't a lot either so don't be guilty! Think of it as intuitive eating. Like me, I usually follow my cravings and just eat chocolate, mooncakes or cookies whenever I feel like it. I may eat them in large amounts but I don't consider them a binge because I'm just eating what I'm craving for. And that's perfectly okay!

Hello, just wna ask you abt your opinion regarding binge eating here. My normal diet consists of 3 proper meals + 3-4 servings of fruits a day. But today after exercising at gym, i felt superrr hungry even after dinner so i proceeded to eat 20 pistachios, a pack of veggie biscuits, a peanut candy


which is ur fav body part?

Um honestly I don't have one HAHA but maybe my legs?? IDK. I guess it's nicer having a short torso and long legs rather than the other way round, so yeah :)

planning to upgrade to iphone 7? thoughts on it?

yaaas I've ordered it since the day preorder opened! Hmm i don't really have a lot of thoughts of it HAHA but iphone 7 plus has a better camera so yes i'm getting that

Hi Cheryl! How long have you been vegan for and has weight ever been one of your struggles?

Almost a year! on 17th october it will be my vegan anniversary :) Hmm i gained weight after being vegan but honestly ever since after I went vegan, i stopped caring about weight as much! Maybe because now all that matters to me is the fact that I'm living with a clear conscience and I know that my food isn't an animal that is killed for me....:) But yes I gained weight but I'm healthier I suppose!

eh can I like ask u. how am I suppose to op in-front of everybody knowing that one will be my ex

Haaha yes. Why not?? I mean if you can just give eye contact to the teachers and to the other students instead of your ex haha

Thank you for your prompt reply! I see alright. ..because I think that you have a great body (not that my words should ever validate you). I'm trying to lose weight and thought maybe you could give me some tips. Alright then, will take note of eating more whole foods, thank you!

Aw you're so kind :') yes eating wholefoods make you feel good and look good as well! Haha.

Would you consider yourself as a person with a high metabolism? Do you have any tips for weight loss on a vegan diet? Thank you for reading and would love to hear from you soon! :-)

Haha nope! I think my metabolism is just average or slow hahaha. I dont have any tips but i guess eat generally wholefoods? :)

although my overall gpa did. it drip that much, it is still fairly ok. but this sem's result really made me so depressed and troubled. any advise?

I know how you feel. I'm not doing as well as i did last semester too and it's troubling me because I was really aiming for straight HDs but its pretty much not possible now because i didnt get distinctions for my assignments :/ but its ok i can only learn from it and work harder from here! Dont fret over what's over and in the past and look ahead from where you are now. :)

hi Cheryl, I have trouble and would like to hear your opinion. I am in studying in SG's poly. first 2 semester, my marks was fairly well, if did hit my expectations. however, for this recent sem, it dropped quite a lot and I'm so troubled by this. I really want to enter local U but my grades...

Actually most of my close friends in poly have gpa less than 3 and they also told me that they wouldnt be able to get into a local uni but then again, i think gpa shouldnt be your only goal. Like yes it's true that you can have a higher chance of getting into a local Uni with a higher gpa but then again it's also hard to maintain your gpa even if you do well! Im sure most people arent at the 3.9/4.0 range either so dont beat yourself over it. As long as you have the diploma after graduating, i'm sure companies will look at that instead of your gpa. And even if u cant get into a local uni you can branch out to private or overseas ones. Jiayou!

if yes, may I know what is your gpa?

Currently it's 7.0/7.0 since semester 1 results but i dont think i can maintain it this semester lol

do you all there use GPA as grading system?

Yesss! But we're graded by HD/D/C/P/NN (high distinction, distinction, credit, pass, fail respectively) for our assignments..only when we have our major exams then GPA comes in. Our gpa is /7.0!

just casually asking, if you were to ask on how to improve your company's work life balance, what will u bring across/ point out/initiate?

Early knock-off? Like end work latest at 6/7pm and no work at all during weekends. And probably also more leaves hahaha and company trips??

Hi there Cheryl! May i know if you have an exercise regime and how do you keep active? Thank you :-)

Nope i don't exercise! Okay I tried last month/two months ago - tried lifting dumbbells but i gave up after two weeks LOL. I'm 100% sedentary now!


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