
Christine Jurado

Ask @chili3l0v3s

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What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?

Singing, I’m not Celine dion or Beyoncé but I love to sing

Only some of us are able to follow our heart. This is what makes people happy. Are you happy?

Well in the path that I’m taking in my career...yes, but other things in my life I definitely need to change

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

Lol all my friends know how I feel about sitting in the movies I can’t stand to watch anywhere else but in the middle

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

Idk honestly I would have to know the person or at least have a real conversation.

What is the main reason for you to refuse a date?

I don’t like to be looked as a piece of meat, if you can be calm and have a cool conversation with me without making me feel as if you are trying to get into my pants then we are good. ??

Whom have you hugged today?

Don’t really like hugs that much it makes me feel awkward. It’s a family thing lol ?

Wow. I think she's such a lovely person and i love their music. Now i feel like taking you out ? lmao what's your favorite song(s)?

She is! ? I love all her music ; I like her whole entire first album wbu

chocolate chip pancakes, banana pancakes, or chocolate chip banana pancakes?

Well I like pancakes in general but chocolate chip banana pancakes might just be my favorite ?

What is your temper?

I have that deadly quiet version for 10 min if I get the space to breath it out I'll be ok to talk it out but if there's no space I will start fling things and yell but that only happens if you push the wrong button

What is your favorite clothing store?

I don't have one, when I shop I look online to different websites to find a particular style

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Vampire all the way lol I think this is the one question I was exited to answer

are girls more dramatic than guys?

Yes they are we just tend to have our emotions take control of the situation but that doesn't mean guys don't have those moments as well


Language: English