
IG: @clairineclay

Ask @clairineclay

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PAP sama SIblings-nya dong, kan abis Siblings Day kmarin, hehehe :D

Yah ga ada :( abis kemaren pada pergi semuaaaa

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Film apa yg akhir" ini kamu sering nonton ?

Night at the museum!!!! Gila ini film di puter mulu di fmp sampe bosen..........tapi tetep nonton sih
Liked by: Yorena

Who knows the most about you?

Let me introduce you, He is
my boyfriend
my best friend
my lover
my daddy
my best listener
my the-only-one who knows my every single sin and still forgive me
the one who's not giving an advice but he gave me the way
the one that i believe in
the one who sacrifice himself for me
the one who gave me lessons bcs He wants me to become a better person
He is the only one who knows me better than myself
His name is Jesus :)


Language: English