

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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uni starts tomorrow and I don't want to :C -ç

hello a-chan! by now you're probably getting ready for class or already in class. i hope your first day goes well for you! good luck!!! you'll do great :3
first days means scoping out for new eyecandy kekekeke

what's the nicest thing someone has done for you?

i can't think of any particular incident tbh. everyone is so nice to me.
i've friends who held my hand and helped me through the darkest times of my life, friends who planned the best surprises for me and friends who are always there. you know who you are ❤
and for tlist, there's so many nice people??? the internet is full of wonderful wonderful people. i've lost count of the number of tlist who have helped me out irl, whether academic-wise or even to offer me a place to stay when i was homeless. australian tlist has been especially kind to me :')

what song do you listen the most atm to?

i've listened to girls girls girls an embarrassing amount of times. fml i'm so superficial

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do you think kai dislikes being called jongin by random people (fans)? or do you think he likes it like yixing does

i think he doesn't mind? why would anyone mind being called by their real name? he doesn't seem to be used to kai even now.
he probably wouldn't like it if they kept calling him "jongin-ah" or "jonginnie" like they're really close with him, but that's more of a cultural thing than anything else?
i've been going by a name that was made up for convenience sake for years now but even now i love it when people call me by my real name because i don't hear it enough usually. but that's just me i guess.
Liked by: Barclay Sugar A.

hello, a-chan here, my kpop bias is .................................................................wait for it............................................................. jongin lol


who is your favorite kai stan? or top 3 idk, I need to follow more kaistans on twitterrrrr

most of the kai stans i know have locked accounts but my kailu buddy @kaichul is really popular and nice and wonderful.
@anhaebonstyle is super sweet and has a ton of amazing fic ideas that she should write.

cheerleader crab lololol it was a reggae/hiphop lesson, pretty interesting! Text your crush!! as long as you don't bombard him with 14523 texts a minute I don't think you will bother him. boys are not as complicated as us, I think.

but- but i really like him /frets
what if he finds me duuuumb.
a-chan who is your kpop bias?

do you watch youtubers on youtube? lmao

i am an old lump of thing and do not watch youtubers on youtube :( i used to, all those asian channels and qt boys but meeeeeh i have enough trouble trying to catch up with jongin things.

I cried like a baby but it was not heartbreaking and horrible, more like touching and /inspirational/? idk (and the little kid in the movie is the cutest cutie pie ever omg so cute) my day is going well. my crush sent me a text after 3 weeks ignoring me blehhh n I have my 1st dance lesson tonight ç

SCREECH A-CHAN GET IT!! you lucky duck! i'm thinking about texting my crush myself, but i keep thinking i'm bothering him.
omg rah rah! i'll be your little cheerleader crab :D what kind of dance?

do you know how to speak japanese?

i used to be able to speak conversational japanese! when i was 10? 11? but i can't remember a lick of it now.

hahahahahahahahahaha I love you jiaqian, you made me laugh :') how are you today?? I watched another movie last night and it is a great movie. it's called soshite chichi ni naru, have you watched it? ç

no i haven't! my laptop's battery is dead and i haven't gotten it fixed so i can't watch anything atm :( i don't really watch japanese movies anyway. it looks sad! is it sad?
today was just another uneventful day haha. how was your day? i hope it was more interesting than mine!

how do you afford to travel around the world?

i don't travel around the world, just around asia. and i ALWAYS fly budget and stay in cheaper places. 8 day trip to seoul cost less than USD1k inclusive of flight accommodation food shopping etc. bangkok for 4 nights was less than USD500? so yeah i stretch my money

well, nice peens.... :/ I saw a chode for the first time in my life lol but idk if it was a real chode or a prothesis lol the world is a weird place

a-chan, i googled chode and then clicked on google images. ... MAYBE ONE OF US SHOULD'VE LIVED WITH INNOCENT EYES

what type of books, movies and fanfics do you like?

for books i like asian literature. anything set in asia will pique my interest.
i like animated movies! things meant for kids and qt little cartoons. i don't like live action movies u__u
fanfics-wise, i like cute, fluffy things, slice-of-life domestic things and anything with a complex world. i don't like angsty fics that were written for the sake of angst and i generally avoid violence/character death.

what have you work as?

i've worked in a children clothing store, as an english tutor for koreans and an internship~

nymphomaniac* I wrote it wrong hehe and yeah it was "censored" when I watched it but idk what they decided to cut since penises and blowjobs were all over the screen lol I live in france! but I'm not french, though. how was leesang? ç

leessang was really short! only an hour long :| but the performances were nice!

i just read a summary of the movie and o- oh. that would NEVER make it on screens here. did you see nice peens tho

have you read any books by john green?

i've read close to everything by him, i think. his books are great and all and i can see how young adults would go crazy over his writing, but i can barely remember any of it.

do you regret giving so much of your time to kpop? or being a fangirl? or falling into the "trap" and give your money to companies who create boybands to drain all your revenue lmao ç

no, i have never regretted a single moment of my fangirling life.
i'm not kidding when i say that kpop has shaped every part of me, from my friends, my fashion style, my interests and even my career path. it prompted me to improve my english, changed me from a quiet bookworm to a chatty social thing and broadened my mind in ways i would have never expected.
i buy albums like someone buys clothes. it is simply another way of spending money. some people choose to watch movies or eat out or shop. i choose to buy cups with oppa's face on them and concert tickets. and while a movie lasts you two hours, i still use the official super show 1 bag i bought. the money that i use is all mine, saved from my allowance which i barely touch otherwise or from odd jobs.
i tried counting how much i've spent on kpop, concerts included. i stopped when i hit 5 figures, but i think it's a nice investment for almost 9 years of happiness.

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what does your background on ask means to you? the "map the soul" thing

i'm a major epik high fan! 魂 means soul and is the logo for mapthesoul, epik high's (now defunct) company and their 2009 album of the same name.
my un cocoonedsoul is from a sentence in their title track, also called map the soul. (my banner is tablo and if you look at my profile, it's like he's outraged at dat minseok booty!)


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