

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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What is the one thing you could not live without?

i spent all day mulling about this and i wanted to give a meaningful answer but all i could come up with was twitter. the only reason why i can't let my phone go is because i'm constantly checking twitter. i love seeing tlist cry and shriek over mundane things and fandom and puppies. i love reading about their days and achievements. i like sharing my own stories and ups and downs.
i guess it means something to me after all.

why do you think xiumin has an inferiority complex?

i stress that this is my own headcanon but the image that i see him projecting on shows and interviews makes me think he feels a bit lacking compared to the other members.

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can you explain a bit more about xiumin's inferiority complex? C: (I hope anyone gets offended since it's YOUR opinion)

hmm maybe i should've worded it better. he lacks confidence in himself? in my headcanon, he seems a bit insecure with his talent and looks. i'm sure he's made some depreciating comments about himself on some shows but i can't recall which.

oh I asked you what do you think about jongin and xiumin's relationship because to me they are the least close. For example that moment during starcast when xiumin had to say something to jongin and he told him to be a better dongsaeng and nini was just ==

mmm it makes sense that they are less close! minseok doesn't seem close to all of the younger kids actually. irl the age difference would've made it hard to become really chummy friends i think.
i kinda ship xiukai but even then it's more like a big-little brother relationship. both of them don't seem like the type to actively socialise so predebut they would've probably just become the kind of friends that you're only friends with because they're friends of your friend? plus minseok's huge inferiority complex might've stopped him from getting close to the golden child.
by the time debut rolled along, cliques were already pretty obvious, solidified by the separate promotions.

if you are an exo member who would you most likely be and why

i think i'll be a zitao because i'll take a million selcas, cry on every broadcast, startle at little things and yet work at that same choreo until i get it right because i need to prove something to myself. oh, lots of cryptic messages on weibo.
(everyone and their mother has pegged me as baekhyun tho u____u)

my chinese friend makes fun of koreans because meat over there is very expensive so they eat a lot of vegetables etc.. do malaysians laugh at them as well? hahaha

??? for a moment i thought that your friend was being rude but then i realised they probably meant it in the harmless joking way. and koreans eat quite a lot of meat?
meat ain't cheap anywhere yo. eat your greens. yum yum.
anyway i wouldn't know. i don't like meat. malaysians love food though so it'll probably be a bewildered "but how can you LIVE without meat for every meal?"

why are you on semi hiatus on twiter? D;

oh yeah i was SUPPOSED to be on semi-hiatus because of exams and assignments and all but my laptop is dead and libraries close at 5, so i can't do anything. i literally have nothing to do now but tweet oops. i'll essentially be laptopless for another month.

what is the thing you like the most about jongin?

i can't explain it in broken down reasons. i just know that when i'm feeling bad, as soon as i look at jongin, the corners of my lips perk up and everything softens. at the risk of sounding creepy, it's every part of him, but especially his soft side.

my favorite type of jongin is laughing-alone-at-his-own-jokes jongin, what is yours?

my favourite jongin is indulgent jongin!! when someone else is being funny, nini has a way of looking at them like wow this hyung is cute/hilarious/amazing and it's just the kind of expression that i imagine people in love have??
not saying that he's in love with anyone, but i like how transparent he looks in that moment.

what is your opinion about fans bashing daeun and how the rest of the fandom reacted etc?

it's stupid i hope sehun has like 36 noonas (and a few hyungs) that he's sleeping with on a rotational basis.
i didn't find the fact that daeun was being bashed surprising because fandom will always have its immature side but it seemed like every. single. person. i followed had a strong opinion against it (and you should, because that's not okay). which is great woohoo fandom policing make the world a better place go ahead.
but at some point it became over-saturation. the same message was being retweeted and said a million times and PERSONALLY (i stress, personally) it just added a lot of anxiety for me. it's like when people made a big deal out of baekhyun die trending. you know why it's trending? BECAUSE YOU WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT BEING TRENDED

will you ever be able to quit exo?

only if kim jongin stops making me smile.
fandom has been stifling me lately but i'm at a point in my life where i NEED that dose of endorphins. i could quit exo (insert overdose joke here) but not when it comes hand in hand with jongin and instant happiness.

hi hi a-chan dropping by! how have you been? how was bap?

hello child!!! the concert was really nice and interactive! and i've been great. life has been good :D how have YOU been!

Do you wear make up? What's your beauty regime usually like?

i don't have a beauty regime. i um, wash my face with water? ... i feel like i'll regret this in 10 years but yeah
for make up i only use black liquid eyeliner, and sometimes i line the bottom of my eyes with a shiny eyeliner

Hiiii i keep seeing you talk abt Pokemon and I'm hoping to get a 3DS of my own. Any tips for a beginner?

i'm assuming you have some experience with the previous pokemons?
1. if you want to truly enjoy the game, stay away from wonder trade. it'll be tempting but getting strong/rare pokemon makes it too easy and defeats the purpose of the game. only test it when your team is level 20ish at least and you've properly tried out kantos.
2. however, to make your life easier, evolve your eevee into slyveon asap. moonblast is worth the constant mini games and cupcakes.
3. take your time exploring. exp share makes it more fun to test out every pokemon you have, and the graphics make exploring the cities a joy. talk to each npc! explore each patch of grass! worry about collecting items/pokemon post-game because even if you could still play after you beat the league, it's more fun when you still have goals.
4. because otherwise you'll end up like me with silly goals (not rly) like collecting all vivillon patterns, catchin' em all (maybe not legendaries ;;) and getting that elusive shiny. i'm not touching IV training with a stick nosiree. but it's good to note that having a pokemon with flame body in your team makes your egg hatch faster!
there's not much i can tell you tbh? the premise to pokemon is pretty straight forward and most tips wouldn't make sense to a beginner. the game was initially made for kids and preteens anyway. still, it's lots of fun! i'm 140 hours in (finished the game at 70, but only because i took my time) and still playing!

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do you think it's ok for the girl to go after the boy or it doesn't really work that way?

ofc it's okay for the girls to go after the guys.
i may not have a wealth of experience but i think guys like it when girls go first because then they don't have to do the whole what-if game.

why dont you like taemin?

stupid reasons. he was the first idol younger than me. but i was maybe 14? then so that was a totally valid point to not like him. taemin THEN and taemin now is vastly different as well. he was a weak singer, an average dancer and looked like a squirt.
now i really really admire his determination and how much he improved over the years. watching him perform live blew me away and i was impressed. still not a fan, but i respect him so much now.

Hi, it's Melbourne anon 8) I'll check out pa /so no papa rich? An uni friend recommended it but I'm not familiar with Malaysian food... What uni do you go to? I'm an awkward, quiet and shy person irl so you'll be bored to death while showing me around ): thank you for your recommendations 8)

i'm from rmit! right smack in the city. and it's alright i'm a public relations major so i'm used to talking. offer still stands :)
pappa rich is overpriced and the taste isn't as great. for korean food, there's mook ji bar as well but go in a group of 3-4 people.
ah for things to do, i recommend the museum? which sounds geeky but it's free entry for students and it's worth a few hours.


Language: English