

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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what would you do if your parents reveal to you that you're actually adopted?

well that would explain why i don't look like my parents... lol no. meh, they're my parents. i'm at the age to probably no longer care about blood ties, as long as they're next to me and in my life. they'll be my parents, now and forever.

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why are you spending so much money in a good university to study for such a useless degree? honestly.

idk man. i don't even know. but i'm really enjoying my classes and i love going to uni. i guess... i'm happy? studying abroad gave an experience i really appreciate. i've never been as satisfied as i am now.
and my degree isn't... that... useless... i mean, i can get a job. it's just a fairly new market that the world isn't quite familiar with yet.

what is jongin's chinese zodiac sign?? I thought he was a dog because 94er but I looked his sign according to his birthday and it says he's a rooster

oh my god he's a rooster. HE HAS THE SAME SIGN AS I DO??
yeah the lunar year starts after lunar new year so january babies will have the same sign as kids from the previous year.

I hate this noooooo luhan was so perfect already predebut wtf do they have to change about his face?? the only thing that wasn't astonishingly beautiful was.... his lower teeth lmao but who cares they are still ugly anyways. and taemin's face it so plastic now, he used to be naturally handsome D:

he still has em wonky teeth right? i like imperfect teeth it's really qt haha

do you have any pictures where I can compare luhan's face now and before?? I never noticed they were doing so many things to it... and sehun, too. I thought they only touched his nose but apparently I'm wrong hehe

they probably didn't do drastic stuff on luhan like they shaved jongdae's jaw but i think he gets filler shots a lot? something seems off every few events. i actually don't pay attention enough to individual events but my luhan stan friend stares at him enough to point out whenever he looks different. or maybe it's just camera angles and such idk

omg sehun and luhan??? I've noticed chen's jaw but it was shaved since predebut... I don't like it at all but I know it is something I have to accept and move on I guess haha But I worry about their health (like with kai's chin and that concave mark... fuck sm tbh)

well i've been in kpop for 8 years so i'm used to seeing my favs change their faces over the years lol. i hope they never do to exo what they did to shinee tho because jonghyun wow taemin wow. although at the rate they're messing with luhan's face he'll be a taemin in no time.

"i can't really judge others when i'm no saint myself." jiaqian I love you ok? I love you, you are so sweet and strong and absolutely not full of yourself. I kinda look up to you haha because you say what you think but at the same time you don't bash other people, I don't know how to express myself

sobs that is not who i am, really, really, because i'm a terrible person irl T^T but thank you thank you thank you T____________________________________________________T

(not enough space in the answer for all the feels lol) so I will just say I LOVE YOU JIAQIAN please keep shining bright like a diamond forever; ç


what do u think of jongin's butt? I think he has more than what you like in boys

I THINK IT'S REAL ROUND AND NICE AND I WOULD LIKE TO CUP IT but you're right i really dig sehun because thin flat body a little hint but not rly

Heeya! I saw you talking about the scholarship in Korean, are you going taking it? What's the course?

hello hello i plan to apply for it next year! probably in business administration? are you applying as well? :D

what is you opinion on baekhyun and chanyeol calling kai dark all the time? do you think it bothers jongin? sorry if you have answered this already, I got curious while watching exo showtime ep 1 and you seem very.... smart? and I think you have a personality very ... yourself. am I making any sense

i'm not smart i'm just very opinionated and that's pm a nicer way of saying i'm full of myself xD
ofc jongin is affected by it. during the haunted house episode, the way jongin said "haha no ghost is going to see me because i'm dark" just made my stomach twist. the poor child has probably lived his whole life listening to that and he obviously hates it, seen in the numerous times where his smile slips off when they tease him about his skin.
it's probably not just baekhyun and chanyeol making fun of him. everyone does but baekyeol feel obligated to speak up and be funny during broadcasts and to them, poking fun of other people's complexes is funny. i don't think it's very nice... but i have said worse things when i was younger so lately i'm trying not to let it affect my enjoyment of exo too much. i can't really judge others when i'm no saint myself.

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is australia terrifying?

why would you think that? australia is laid back and probably more polite than canada. (i don't know that. i don't know canada.) unless you're in melbourne, then australia is hipster nation. but also polite.
Liked by: Vai

I know!!! I thought maybe it was getting way too late so they didn't even go in (chankai). I told mysself it was better for them to rest instead of me being selfish and wanting to see the scene. buuuuuut if they just cut it out I WILL GET SO MAD


hahahahahah "what we want to see is longer cuts of the boys singing gee, not a million and one scenes of them chewing." you are the best jiaqian! which scene of the haunted house episode were you looking forward the most and they cut it out?



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