
cora lynn

Ask @coraaalynn

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Tbh: you are so gorgeous and its crazy to think you are gunna be in high school already!😊 seems like yesterday we were all at st mary's💕 so excited to see you around in the phs next year😎👍🏼

Sarah Daentl
Thanks you and ik I remember when I was little and you were about to graduate and I'm excited too❤️
Liked by: Sarah Daentl

Hey punk ass anon why dont u shut your motherfucking mouth before i shove a camel dick so far down your throat you would need surgery to remove it

Liked by: Taylor

Yeah sorry I didn't mean for that to be anon. Thanks love

Of course stay strong beautiful(:😭

Hey thanks anon (: just made my week..

.. If this is Grace I'm super sorry about what there saying it's not true at all I love you just the way you are

Anon. leave elise alone. honestly it's stupid. you're making a big deal out of nothing. it's getting annoying and stupid. because honestly it's so old. like stop being meab

Thank you.

Anon back 50 feet away from elise. She said she wasn't in the mood. Doesn't that give you a hint to just stop


What's your opinion on rem

Omf fave person ever holy crap(; he's super funny and we party so much in ag.... Lmao yeah

What's your opinion on Isaac B.

Another best friend he's sooo funny and we used to FaceTime a lot and I can tell him anything and he will actually listen to me and I'm thankful to call him a bestie

What's your opinion on walker

One of my other best friends I can tell him a lot of stuff and I call him Walker babe lmao(; and yeah he's super funny and we have a good time lmao
Liked by: Walker™


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