Gue ngerasa semakin tua umur gue semakin gue enggan buat memulai suatu hubungan, wajar gak sih. Btw gue cewe dan pacaran cuman sekali itu juga pas SMP 😂

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emm gimana ya.. kalo kamu sma kelas 12 menurut aku wajar aja sih soalnya lagi fokus buat kuliah nanti jadi semakin enggan buat memulai suatu hubungan gituu. bagus dong gak banyak mantannya
Wajar kok, finding a perfect relationship takes time. Dan kalo gue tipe yg percaya jodoh atau true love itu akan ketemu kalo kita juga ada usaha buat nyari, because true love won’t come to you if you stay put and do nothing at home. And more importantly find love or start relationship when you’re completely ready. So you can get through all the fun and also all the risks. Dont force yourself to be in a relationship when you feel like everyone around you are getting married or seems to date a great person. At the end it’s your own decision, be with your true love when you’re ready 😉

Language: English