I just broke up with my gf, we are in long distance relationship for 5yrs but we see its other every year..how to move on guys?

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That's difficult.. It's better to delete every photo/videos you guys took, don't read any old messages, block her from your head, try not to think about her if you can, do things that are productive so then you can get that out of your mind, hangout with friends.. It will be hard for you to move on since your relationship lasted for 5 years! If these doesn't work, Im sorry!
It takes as long as it takes.
It’s going to be hard, you’ll cry yourself to sleep multiple times but you’ll get there.
Hang out around positive people, friends, family, workmates.
Just focus on yourself. Do things you enjoy, movies, read, go for walks, play games etc. remind yourself of all the bad stuff and why it didn’t work so that you don’t fall into the “she was perfect” slump and get back with her. Because if she was perfect the relationship would have worked out.
Liked by: VeraJayne Micha El

Language: English