
Cut Adinda

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Emg rasyika bisa stress ya kak?

*telat baca*
Tapi seneng kan lu sekarang ras ehe ehe ehe cieeeeeeeee

Halo, apa pertanyaan pertama yang ditanyain ke kamu setiap lebaran? Semoga lebarannya menyenangkan.


hyperactive or introvert?

Most of the time I'm a hyperactive-if-not-autistic kind of person. But I can act completely otherwise towards some people I'm uncomfortable with coughsuchasmyfamilycough and other. Pray ur not the latter kind of ppl

Tipe org yg kalo lg mrh dipendem apa ga?

Gak dipendem kok, cuma didiemin
Sampe akhirnya meledak
Dan tinju melayang /bye

Selama masa masa liburan suka produktif ga ka? PAP

bikin friendship bracelet termasuk produktif gak bu guru

Selamat malam! How's your day? :)

Stuck between friendship bracelet, books,and browsing funny videos on youtube. But most of the time:

Orang tua kalian tipe tipe yang kalo anaknya berhasil langsung muji atau malah biasa aja gitu?

Gainget pujian dari emak selain komen yang ada di notes panel pameran HAHAHAHAHHAHAA
terakhir dihina soal pilihan (sementara) hidup hufft y h a

ah ga asik, ayo dong ceritain.

palingan pas smp pernah salah masih toilet cowok dan langsung eye contact dengan bapak-bapak lagi (ehem) yaaaaaa.....

#sevendaysquestion Awkward moment terparah kayak gimana yg pernah dialamin? Ceritain! :))

Ngingetnya aja bikin meringis....

Sebel deh mba baca yg nomor 5 hiks hiks. Btw udah sebulan ya sama si masnya huehuehyeee

Sorry not sorry :> oh ya gue aja gak ngitung wk

Masih terusannya #sevendaysquestion. Sebutin 5 guilty pleasure lo beserta alasannya hahaha!

1. Ngepoin orang. Just because
2. Buka retail web yang impossible-to-reach semacam Doll's Kill ataugak For Love and Lemons. Selain gaada duit, I simply don't have the body for these items. LACES! BRALETTES! PLATFORMS! ONESIES! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!
3. Nangisin badannya para Angels, abis itu langsung fired up buat workout (besoknya counterpain langsung abis)
4. Idem dengan sticksandstonesagency.com, selain photoshootnya yang beyond amazing dan gak kebanyakan makeover macem majalah-majalah remaja hufft (nsfw)
5. Being overly proud with my ability to eat shitload of food and be able to stay skinny, often to the levels of making fun of others who can't. I NEED TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK
Liked by: Captain Phasma

I dare you to answer my #sevendaysquestion supaya meningkatkan silaturahim askfm seminggu ke depan. (maaf geje, jawab aja yg asik =_=v). So here we go. Apa lagu yg ngedescribe hidup lo? And why?

Hemm...beberapa lagu yang kadang ngena itu yaaaa:
I Have A Dream & Thank You For The Music - ABBA
Like Smoke - Amy Winehouse (sorrynotsorry)
Smile - Charlie Chaplin
(Anaknya INFP sekali ya)

rl baes ofc

okay there's TPBaes such as Lita, Lele, Llamas and so on, Bekasi Bae like Rasyi, Dolly, Nia, Saara and The Squad, and fandom baes (the super long list of fandom survivors family) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
And of course there are dream baes like Benedict Cumberbae, Tom Hiddlesbae, Tom Hardybae, RDJ, The Holy Trinity of Mervel's Chrises, and my wives Scar-Jo, Nat Dormer, Emilia Clarke and so on and so on and so on❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sisi jelek kalian kalo jd pacar org itu apa?

1. Masih suka bikin orang lain baper
2. Every argument is passive-aggresive argument, basically
3. And the silent treatment
4. It's not that easy for me to spill all my secrets and fears to you, try finding it out all by yourself
5. Good luck seeing the hyper side of me, because that side reserved only to close friends
6. Wanting to be with you so bad doesn't mean I'm in love with you, so yeah #sorrynotsorry

mention your all time baes

You mean rl baes or prob-never-gonna-meet-them-baes because the lists are equally long


Language: English