
Katherine Pierce

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[ http://ask.fm/AmaraPetrovalove/answer/118852530216 ]

♠ Amara Petrova ♠
Elena was home. She tryes to call for stefan but stefan dosen't answer. So she wants to go salvotores house. She goed out and starts walking. Then she comed in salvotores house. She opens the door slowly... She comed in. "Is here anyone" she asked. But no one did not answer. So she goed in kitchen and taked food. "Hmm.. I don't want eat i want
Drink something." She said to herself. She taked coffee. And goed sit in the sofa. Then she saw amara.
Elena walked slowly to there where amara was "are you... Amara or katherine?" She asked. But then realize that she was amara. "Ohh... You are amara." She smiles little bit. "Don't
Be scared. I am Elena Gilbert. You know me i think" she looks at Amara http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0a6re3v4M1rqgcuwo1_500.gif

"My family might not have cared about me, but at least my family wasn't dead, unlike yours. And as far as feeling sorry is concerned, well, do that for yourself. Not me." Katherine's fangs grew faster than Elena could realize and in the next second she was drinking Elena's blood.

KaterinaPetrova18’s Profile PhotoKatherine Pierce
Elena screamed! "Stop... It's hurts.." Elena lost much bloood... But she had her vervain necklake so katherine could not drink anymore. "What are you doing really!" She asked at katherine. "What do you want for me?!" She yelled! http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mce8foFj7x1r2labqo1_500.gif

Selena looked at her she was scared she wated to scream but she couldn't because Elena compellled her to not.She was really scared.She was hoping that someone is going to help her.

Charlotte Petrova
Then someone comed and sawed what happened and comed ask -what happens here- then elena turned around and looked the girl "ugh... Go away." She taked the girls neck and killed her. And then she turned around look selena. She drinked little bit of selena's neck. "Don't be scared. I don't kill you... Yet." She laughed little bit."

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"I had a family. But they didn't care about me! We are not same. Not a bit. I am not lost. I know everything I am doing. I know what I have to do. I know how I will survive." She smiled at her. "Unlike you, who thinks the Salvatores will save you. Face the reality. They can't always do that!"

KaterinaPetrova18’s Profile PhotoKatherine Pierce
Elena just wanted to piss katherine off "I know that you did not have a family. The family who didn't care... They didn't care about you cause you were crazy styped human. Cause they hated you!" She didn't smile she just loooked katherine. "I know that they won't. And i don't use them... Like you. I love them. I love stefan. And damon is really important to me..."
She looks katherine "i feel sorry for you..." She really feeled sorry for katherine.

"Aren't you?" She smiled and threw her on the bed. Then she slowly walked towards her. "Daring huh? Don't be. I wouldn't think once before killing you." She said and smirked. "And as for the Salvatores, I'll always have one of them."

KaterinaPetrova18’s Profile PhotoKatherine Pierce
Elena looked at Katherine and said. "Did you ever have a family?" Elena looked at Katherine in earnest. "Did you ever have a family. Family that cared about you. But then you lose them. And you are lost. however, we are the same Katherine." Elena smiled.

Yes I have :) Beth and Elena are sisters, Beth was born in 1848 and shes vampire Elena knows about it. Beth know Stefan and Damon from past and because they are family Elena offered her to live with her, Jenna and Jeremy.


Selena looked at her she was so confused she didn't know what's going on she only wanted to be over she looked at Elena and said "what do you want?" she asked.Selena was scared she only wanted to go home an d never come back.

Charlotte Petrova
Elena looks at selena. "Ohh honey... Don't be scared..."
She laughed little bit. "I think that i am not going to kill you." She said. Elena wanted to play with selena. "Maybe i will take a little taste." She comes closer and compellls her "don't scream" she bites her neck. She drinks little bit of her blood. But then she stops. Cause she wanted to play with her.

- http://ask.fm/Little_Witch_/answer/118624706291 -

℣ⅈℂ†◵ℝⅈÅ ℂ◶ℓℓⅈⓝs
Elena looked at Victoria with surprise. elena does not know what to say. Elena tries to escape but can not. "Don't do this" then elena looked at Victoria. "Are you doing this because you're afraid of Klaus?" Elena looks at her. "Cause you don't have anything?" She looks at victoria with her beautiful eyes.
http://images5.fanpop.com/image/polls/936000/936441_1327604737277_full.jpg "you don't have to do this." Elena was not afraid.

http://ask.fm/KaterinaPetrovax/answer/119954762620 this one sorry ;3

katerina bitchtrova
Elena looked little bit mad. "Can we just leave here now. We have to go somewhere!" She said cause she did not wanted to be here. She had cold. "I am so cold. I want to leave." And they leaved there. They camed some place where was so dark they didn't see anything. Then they walked little bit and they were at some house. They didn't know what house it was or who's house it is.

- http://ask.fm/Little_Witch_/answer/118577370611 -

℣ⅈℂ†◵ℝⅈÅ ℂ◶ℓℓⅈⓝs
Elena was in grill. She was the girl. She comed sit on one table. And then she goed ask something. "One... Uhum.... One water please." Matt was in grill so elena asked have he seen jeremy but mat answered no. And then they gived the water. Elena drinked it. Victoria was next to elena.

Selena looked at her she couldn't believe when she saw elena teeth she looked at her "This is not possible" she said and she close her eyes as her heands was on her head.

Charlotte Petrova
Elena smirks. " i was human. I was human who cared so much about people. But then i died on the one bridge... And then i turned a vampire. I was good vampire. I have been lost my family so i had just my brother but then he died and i turned my humanity off so now... Everyone wants to make my humanity back. But this is who i am." She smiled at selena. She comes closer. "I am hungry." She dosen't smile. She looks so comfused at selena.

Selena laugh a little "Vampire?Are you okay?" she asked her because she thought that Elena is drunk and she didn't believe her.

Charlotte Petrova
Elena laughed "are u stypid? do not you never heard of Mystic Falls from which it is said that measure the potential for bad ever happens? this the city is full of vampires and all the supernatural creatures. You should believe me"
Elena's theeth comes out and she wants to bit her but first she wants to play with selena.


katerina bitchtrova
Elena stopped walking. They hearded some noise what said (do you hear something? Somewhere
In here are some people. Say for the hybrids that they have to find them
And kill them) then when they heard the voice they were little bit scared. "That's not klaus who is talking." She thinked who would it be. "But... What are we going to do?" She says scaredly.

She she looked at elena she didn't know what is she talking about "What?"

Charlotte Petrova
Elena was little pissed of cause selena didn't listen her. "Did i just say i am a doppelanger of katherine pierce" she looked at selena and rolled her eyes. "I am a vampire. My humanity is off" she smirks. "It's good that you know that before i am
Going to kill you." She smiles. "But maybe you don't understand and that's a good." She smiles.
Liked by: Selena Bieber


katerina bitchtrova
Elena starts walking again. "But... If they sre hybrids... Then what are we going to do?" She looked at katherine and asked. "If they will hunt us?" She asked and walked slowly. "Hybrids are so fast" she takes a deep breath. "We aren't so fast like hybrids!" He looks katherine and stops walking. "Now... I'm really tired of this... You will go first." She looks at katherine. "Oh... Okay i can be first... But if they are going to kill me and you don't save me... Stefan and damon would hate you forever" she looks katherine and continues walking.


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