

Ask @Eliyeon

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Bitch! Y ni una mísera foto y/o posteo hablando acerca de SungKyu!

Vi a mucha gente, y no es de mis personas favoritas :c con suerte hice un post de Jessica xD

John Locke once said, "Education can help shape the pupil according to the disposition of the teacher." Do you agree?

It's more than the teacher. It's a whole system where students and teachers are just part of. But we humans (?) are still able to think by ourselves some parts at least, or some people. It's kinda awesome in my opinion c:

Me da risa que te anden diciendo fea

por qué? xD yo siempre digo que soy el cuco y no me creen, me indigna

Cual es la mania de la gente de llamar a otro poco atractivo, feo etc. al final la belleza va en el ojo de quien lo mire.... personalmente te encuentro atractiva >-<

gracias (?). En lo personalsssh no me afecta lo que anonimos digan, onda malo de mi xD porque lo más importante es mi propia opinión u///u

de verdad te juro que eris horrible, nadie se fijara en ti.....

supierai u///u la apariencia no lo es tuyo

DO you believe that education is a social problem? Why or why not?

in Chile, yeah. Just by knowing/meeting people who are almost graduating from highschool and doesn't known basic stuff... it means something is not working, at least for me :/
Liked by: maria eden

Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)

i am xD


Language: English