
Mrs Boris Johnson

Ask @emilyONeilll

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would you say you was in love with Lewis?

this is such a personal question... and I swear someone has already asked me this before

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you do realise Sam doesn't care about you and lewis

you do realise he has popped up many times and told me he is happy for me and Lewis-_- I don't want him to care. tbh I don't even want him popping up to me. couldn't give a shit if he cared or not, it has nothing to do with him.

Sam is wayyyyyyy over you

I'm sorry... am I meant to give a shit? it's been nearly 3 months since we broke up. I hope he is over me, I got over him a long time ago. now go back to your sad little life and fuck off.

Did it hurt when "Someone who won't be named" inserted his penis into your asshole?

sorry I can't remember anyone inserting there dick into my arsehole

why did you date Sam? he is disgusting and you are way out of his league

probably because I'm not a judgemental twat like you. we got on and we are both as weird and fucked up as each other, plus he has fish... so ya know. can you fuck off now please and mind your owe fucking business.


Language: English