

Ask @FatenF

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shy guy become bestfriends with a outgoing slut ?

2. Opposites attract;)
3. I never had sex, therefore I'm not a slut or even close.
4. Even if I was a 'slut' as you say, I don't think what I do would matter much to him. It's my personality, how I act, treat him, etc that matters.
5. You're calling me outgoing like it's a bad thing?
6. Stahp with the jealousy. x

Can u post a pic of your hair?

I'll take a clear one todayyyy, but it looks much noticeable in real life and it doesn't come up much in pics:/

Saud doesnt have pics of u guys on his phone but had our 'selfies' LOOOOOL! I swear we raped his phone with selfies 3ADL! Awk too bad he deleted them, there were some nice ones:(

Sara Al Hashimi
HAHAHA 7mar lnaaa:( I have like 2 pics with him but I look ugzzzzz

but hey, what if i tell him i like him but he doesnt like me back? i mean my friend told me that i should tell him that i like him and if he doesnt like me back, he'll start liking me back bc he will realize how much i care for him, do u think that's true?x

At least get it off your chest? You'd feel much better after, whether or not he feels the same way. You don't want to be chasing a guy that doesn't want you, right? You'd just be wasting your time and breaking your OWN heart! So take risks, who cares?!:D... God, I'm actually thinking I, myself should start taking my own advice into consideration.
Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi ..

Shfeha kinda met5r3a enha tro7 gym ok we get it mayswa 3lena omg be healthy and stuff all after she started going to the gym


what color did you dye your hair

A kind of hazelnut/light brown color with some sort of copper undertone. It's really hard to explain ahah, it seems to look different in every lighting.


Language: English