

Ask @FatenF

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Tbh: yal fatnyyy! A7bkk WAYYEEEEDDDD!! We used to be such best friends:( and ur gorgeous babe wallah! I love everything about u..youre REALLY kind and such a sweetie! And ur coming over idc :)


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Tbh; we've never really talked but I've been following you on ask for quite some time now, your answers are really good and interesting. You're also really pretty :)

Thank you ahaha!^-^♡

did u ever had a crush on someone from grade 8

No. Why is it any of your business who I did and did not have a crush on anyways?

do you know where i can find gym mats like the one on blogilates?

I guess you can find some gym mats at Sun & Sand Sports? c: or any store that stocks athletic gear like Nike?

That one song that awakens your inner stripper?

Breathe - Dev.
A9ln what song doesn't awaken my inner stripper, that's the real question.

U know what has more drama than Arabic series ,your ask fm page , close or deactivate it , it just gives u more and more shit ,cuz people these days don't have a life and thank u

Sorry but I'm not gonna close of deactivate it because an anon told me. x) What do you mean it gives me 'more & more shit'? It's just some harmless hate from anons that I RARELY get and couldn't give two flying craps about.

You seem like a nice and crazy person, wanna be friends? :)

Thanks, sure. Maybe if you're not anonymous?x

WOW.. I spent like half an hour going through your ask page.. That anon made me laugh big tyme ! xD.. Anyways... Just keep shutting them up and what other <3

Haha I'm glad I entertained you for half an hour xD I sure will, thanks!xx

... And he told us to not have pur phomesafter 2:00 am so pur eyes dont get destroyed but ofc i didnt follow this one and he didnt do anything about it but can my life get any worse :C i wish i even had my own room

Don't say that! Your life is not bad at all, be grateful you even have a phone! Some people would kill for a glass of water. Just talk to him, say I'm old enough and negotiate. Do not argue or yell or throw a tantrum. Be as mature as possible. Tell him I just want to use my phone anytime I want to during the summer and after the summer, slowly talk him into letting you use your phone at all time. C: But if he says no the first time, don't wine. Just be like 'well, alright' and talk to him another day. Chose your timing correctly!
Liked by: Diaboo

I need an advice So my father is annoying hes not strict but i hate it when he trys to be like he told me and my sisters today thats no ones allowd to have there phones in the room when we goto sleep give your mum all ur phones im not a kid im 15 what to do -.- ill complete in a new question

Answering in the cont x

what do u like most soccer or basketball or swimming or tennis or baseball

I don't mind playing any of them, I enjoy all but I like tennis & I never played baseball. x

They're so annoying I bet this is the 1000 time they ask you which school la?

Yeah bs what to do x)

Where are you going and when are you coming back?

Dubai &Cyprus. I'm coming back from Dubai on the 27th/28th of this month & I'm coming back from Cyprus by 20th of August or so. x


Language: English