

Ask @FatenF

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u let me think really well about the question of haters. well they deserve much more than this letter! good job fatoon! this letter should be sent to every bitch that is ruining the reputation! loveyou

It's true, they do! But I don't wanna lower myself to their position, I don't want to be mistaken as THEM, A HATER. ;) I'm anything but a hater. Thank you! <3 I love you more! x
Liked by: Yazeed Al,Shahrani

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messege to haters?

You bitches don't know SHIT. The funny part is all of you haters don't even know me and never talked to me! You only hate me from the shit you heard about me, and just to clear things up here; those shit are RUMORS and as fake as you bitchess. It's sick how you judge from only what you've heard about me. Ever heard of NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER? I may come off as a bitch or stuck up because I never smile or always shy and always kept to myself but I CHANGED completely. I started hanging out with the right people and just left all the people that ruined me and my reputation. What's sick is that you're trying to ruin the friendship with my current friends saying I'm a whore/slut/ga7ba or bitch. By the way bitches, my friends know EVERYTHING about me & they don't mind it because I've CHANGED! Nothing you'll do will ever bring me down or anything because I couldn't care less about you lifeless bitches. I'm just a girl and there's no reason to hate on me due to the things you've heard. There's nothing lower than ruining a girl's reputation. If I knew all of the people that started this shit, I'd go slap and BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU myself. Sure, I may have a bit of an attitude & may seem bitchy from this message but if you knew me, I'm the complete opposite. Treat me the way you wanna be treated. Ciao xx

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which school did you go to before kanoo and why did u leave it ?

M3aaly. & 'cause it's only till g6.

what do u think of lauren bacall?

She is genuinely beautiful. :') I've always loved old Hollywood actresses! They're the absolute definitions of class unlike some celebrities we have now but what to do. :P You know what they say, old is gold & new is platinum.

Ikr! I'll miss you lots, Me and sara we're crying like hell, we hugged for like.. almost 10 minutes, Appreciated every second of what happened today... Hope we don't lose contact !

Yeaah:'(<3 And don't worry, I promise we never will! x

Shrayech fel emotional break down elyoum? :'(

My god :( I can't believe I cried! I didn't expect to walla :c I just came into class and everyone was crying and I was like "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" And I remembered you guys were leaving so I cried! I love you so fucking much walla I'll never forget you. <3


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