

Ask @FatenF

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what things do you find classy and what things do you find tacky?

Classy; me. Tacky; you. ;) Hahah jk, I have no idea and I can't be bothered to use my brain.

What happened to your bb?

The Bold one? Well... I broke the screen once again and got the white screen. It'll be fixed after I get back from Tunis. x

What does stalking mean?

To follow and/or spy on someone you have feelings for. Those feelings need not be of a kind and loving nature. People who stalk are usually obsessed with the stalkee. Or in the internet's case, creeping on someone's profile.. Looking through their pictures, posts.. and such.

I stalked u bs for 10 minutes w flail ya3ny bass :c xo i miss u btww :c xo

bs haa? =))<3 Me more walla :c


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