

Ask @FatenF

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What the fuck lol? How disrespectful can you get? & its Fraidoon :) esm el 3ayla ashraf menik oo men ahlk ele marabook 3dl ;)

If you were in a war, and an enemy killed a loved one, and you are in situation where you can either kill the person that killed a loved one or save a comrade (you can't do both), which one would you choose?

Save comrade forsure.

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My ass is more educated than u. + they is no way in hell I would b ever jeloue from u + 7abeebty the only reason my statments are anonymous is cuz I dnt have an ask account u dumbass and yh I do have a life I'm nt like u lifeless bitch :*

You're more educated? Says the person that can't spell be* jealous* don't* yeah* not* you*. Dat grammar, man. Inzain, if you don't have an ask.fm account, the LEAST you could do is tell me your name;) & don't go bullshitting me giving me a fake name because you're some pussy. HAHAHA what makes me so lifeless? That I go out almost every other day? That I have a lot of friends? Spend time with my family? Ha? Please tell me?:(

Meeeee jelouseeeee frommmmmmmmm uuuuu?!!!! :o 7abeety min illy '6-7ak 3alaich oo galich ina kil min maytennn yabuun ykunoon mithlich. + yh ur lifeless by giving people advise because min mitfar'3 mithlich would b on ask 24/7 jst to tell ppl what to wear -.- + btw tb6een ilchabd wen u talk english "b

Yes, yes, 7ad oma wa'97 ena your jealous:') Walla 7abeebty, you're in DESPERATE need of a life. Lol 9ij fashla ma3nd'ha salfa ga3da titga7aab fe people's asks LOL.. Lol babe, its not my problem people ASK me. That's what this website is for ASKING and ANSWERING ya3ni etha makintaai tadreen. Shnw 24/7?:L Ask.fm is a tab that's always open so ye. Ee ok, el anonymous hater has a life HAHAHAHAHAHA ana ba3ad agool, baabe WAYD '9a7aakteeni xx & haha, and that's your problem isn't it? Not my fault I'm more educated than you. :)xx

Do you think that it is appropriate to refer to someone as a sibling but not actually meaning it and only trying to sound polite?

Tara a sibling means a brother or sister fa madri ishda5al sibling fe hal so2al:|

Has any one ever told u that ur the most stupidest person ever and y the hell r people asking u for advixe on how to do their hair while wearing a dress? -.- seriously get a life and do something better in it bcuz this way u will never get ur " good girl reputation back" and no 1 told u to ruuin it

Why am I the stupidest person? For ANSWERING people's questions? Actually, I don't mind at all giving people advice, it makes me feel useful! Gosh, you're just a huge bundle of hate & negativity aren't you? I seriously do not want any negative energy around me so gtfo. Ishda5al me not having a life because I'm giving people advice?! God, you're such an imbecile.. Fuck off please. So, because I'm giving people advice I'm not getting my old reputation back? Hm makes perfect sense. & nah, I didn't ruin it. Jealous haters LIKE YOURSELF ruined it.


Language: English