

Ask @FatenF

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wayed 3abalich 7ilwa 7abeebty ! you look like my maids socks

Yep, I am 7elwa. :] some anon's opinion isn't gonna change the way I look at my self or my confidence and self esteem. Nice try though!
Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi

you r not going to do a video about them then fuck you bint el 8a7ba

So you're calling me names just because I didn't do some video to feed your obsession over a couple of guys? Very mature. :**

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How is it possible for True Love to be what we find? Is it through patience and right timing in mind? Why is it so deliberate to be of the pure kind? ....... *inspirational much?* apparently free time can provoke love and philosophy... FREEDOM IS POWERFUL PEOPLE!! x)

Haha true:')

People sometime just hate they arent jealous, im not a hater or jealous, but im just saying ignore them, theyre lifless young girl xx

Well of course something trigged the 'hater' and its usually jealousy. But people do hate what they're intimidated by so haha:D I suree will x
Liked by: Hala Tariqq

Beihh!!to that person who said what ali and faten done..traa ik faten and when shes lying or not!yes they hung out and MAYBE a friendly 3la good bye hug THATS ALL! Whats the ' rumours' anyways? anyways YOUR the one that should act your age in the way of thinking! Yal wa95a.

Sara Al Hashimi
IKR! They're so sick to a point where every guy I talk to they HAVE to make rumors about us. That just shows how JEALOUS they are, I sense their jealousy a mile away. ;) Walla fuck off, how would you feel if some bitch came and started ruining your reputation out of no where? El moskhila they can't even keep their names=))
Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi

Would you rather people be emotional attached to you or admire who you are?

Admire me.. Its quite obvious really.

Just an Advice: It is demeaning to expect people to do what you want them to do (even if it is right) just because they care about you or love you!! :)


plez plez just say anything about them ! define them and there personalty plez plez do a video :(:(:(:(:(:((:(:((:( about ali,janahi,aziz,abdulla


* random ;P * whats in ur current purse?

Oh boy... A SHITLOAD of things. I'm not even joking since I went to dubai with this purse and traveled with it and probably everything is in it, yep.

top 5 good looking guys in g8 ?"kanoo"

Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi

Everyone knows what you did with 3li.. And they r not rumors, so why don't YOU act your own age. You r not 13 yet, allah y3een shbtsawen etha 9rti 18

3li? Masawayna shay beeih=)) Tara ee ok we hung out ena after school and in cc and shit bs masawayna shay '3ala6.. Tara we both have limits, ishchayfeena? Agool, bdal mat7sbeen 3l nas oo it6al3een isha3at, GET A LIFE. You can ask ALLLLLLL my friends, mb imsawya shay weya. Sh'hal tafkeer el wa95 ele feech? Tarbeetich itbayn babe.
Liked by: Sara Al Hashimi

name all the boys you mentioned in the g8 friends vid

Jana7i, Ali, Aziz, um these are on the top of my head bs most of them.

plez plez plez sawaee video 3an ali al g , janahi , aziz , abdulla kooheji ! i think uhma 1 direcction of our school !!! say stuff about them i need advice !11111111111

LMAO what kind of stuff?.-.

Can you take me with you in a limo next time?? :( -Dabya love you loads rabbit!!! :P

Lol its not like it was even mine.-.

what do you plan on doing on your birthday/ whats in your wishlist? (haha sorry but my birthday's like a week before yours xD )

Not plans yet.. & I want a new laptop, a professional camera & an unlimited shopping spree in Forever 21 omg *-*


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