

Ask @FatenF

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I actually can not believe how close minded people can get. HAHA becoz ur drinking out of a straw it implies to something wa95 :")? Mafee ela ihya ely m5ha wa95 since she's thinking like that :|

7ASAITAI=)) y3ni la 7lfaw, ashrb mn shnw? exactly walla, ma7ad galiha tfakr chee

Idk why there is a fake account of you, you're already fake yourself to be honest lol, slut.

Fake omich lol, law fe omich 5air gooleeli mn intai. You're probably some ass kisser that says shit on my ask.fm cause thats the only place where you feel superior over me. Nice try tho x

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how come you always add a '':$'' whenever you complement or boast about yourself? Haha faten you're already awesome/pretty you don't need to negate from those facts by adding that embarassed face. You shouldn't be embarassed you should take pride in it and embrace it!

Awww thankyouu:')

Tara whatever she send to u don't BELIVE her shell fake everyone's account please do not BELIVE her .. She ruined everyone's life .. Including u , Sara and zain alshihaby but I sware faten and Sara it wasn't me who sent that dirty stuff

I know, I won't. x & Ishda5al ruined our lives?=)) A9ln e7na we're gonna ruin her life LOL

opinion on budda? how'd you meet him?

I LOVEEEEEEE BUDA OMG HE'S MA BABY<3 I LOVE HIM MORE THAN ANYTHINGG HE'S SO CUTE AND UGHH BA9EE7:'( Idk its just that he added me on bbm once and then we kept seeing eachother everywhere cause we have mutual friends and all xo

St7ay 3la wyhch faten shal dp? Sucking a straw? U know fe ppl will understnd wrong ! For ur own good and for saving ur reputation sheleha ! A9ln ur reputation already zft w 5arra ! Just fyi I'm not a rumour aw mthl thlain , I'm just infroming u y3ny ina ur dp is bad w bas .

Are you serious?=))
Liked by: FAISAL.

What do you think of Aziz AlBahri?

I love Aziz so much ahaha:') I'm with him almost every weekend w its not a weekend etha machifta ahaha:') he has the sweetest smile ever w he's a sweet person in general tbh x he's really awesome and funny, if you don't already know him, you should!
Liked by: muneera Alzayani

shloun kntii t7eebena (you had feelings for him) w mara wa7da 9ar methel brother? ._.

Because its possible to be friends with someone after a relationship?.. Ee knt a7ba bs we broke up months ago w we both moved on and we're just close friends now. :D shay '3ala6 ya3ni?

What do you think of Ali Ghatam?

Aliii<3 I love him sososo much walla he's like my brother w akthar!! Even though sa5afta wayd itnarfiznii sa3at I still love him with all my heart, w he can instantly lift up my mood and make me smile.. Couldn't ask for a better friend:')
Liked by: Jihaad F. Mujalled


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