

Ask @FatenF

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"Act like a princess, look like Barbie, smoke like Marley, party like Ke$ha." weeeee3!!

What's so wee3 about that quote bel'9b6?=))

I do trust her! Its just that i need to check on her but i can't. I live too far, and u live close to her!! pLS HELP ME :(!

Are you implying I should check on her? lolwatisthisconversation

what does kanoo mean to u? <3

I've been here for like 2 years w I swear a7s I've been here for my whole life! Kanoo IS my life, I love it so much, everything about it! The dumb ass sucky teachers, the people, the fucked up rules, EVERYTHING:')!
Liked by: no

Without sara entai WELASHAII

Explains how Sara knows NONE of my friends out of school and most of my friends in school;) w la takfeen, 3ad entai el shay lat9ee7een agool

T8aldeen sara hashimi fi ur pic =))!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAH shloon a8alid'ha?=)) It was a random taken picture cause I did purdyy makeup and I took a picture to show my friend and it turned out to be a good one so I editted it :D Just cause my hair was in a bun doesn't mean I was copying her lol piss off dumb fuck
Liked by: yas A' OTAIBI

Naah I'm not shy, u may can see me just screaming in the middle of the corridoor, like u knw, t8reeban th whole grade(girls) t8reeban r my friends,, but idk hw to do it with other grades D:

Then what's the problem? Be friendly, smile at people, randomly say hi to people HAHAH(seriously), having a twitter and fb and bbm and all that crap can help too xo

Ok how do ya make new friends n how do ya be social? D:

It's usually just your PERSONALITY, it's a god given gift :3 but you can just learn to be more confident since you probably shy and if you're shy, it probably means you have a low self esteem and confidence and all that shizz.. Be friendly and smile and stuff and sometimes your friends from your class might have friends from bara3 your class and you know you friend will introduce you to her other friend and the cycle goes on x
Liked by: muneera Alzayani

How do u get friends like this, like their not even in ur class..?

Because I'm simply just a social people that like to make new friends ahaha?


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