

Ask @FatenF

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Hijab, abaya and niqab are required for all girls by law in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a very strict dress code in public. Saudi females are not allowed to choose what to wear inside their country. Even many in the royal family of Saudi Arabia don't support the dress code laws.


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http://ask.fm/FatenF/answer/42128330220 ok look, u don't know wht ur talking about and u really don't understand. Thankyou. Bye.

I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about & if I wasn't, I wouldn't go around pretending to know what I was talking about 'cause I'll end up embarrassing myself. Show's how close minded you really are lol

i think your boobs are to big for a 15 year old..well you lease let me touch them?

I'm not 15 tho

99% of saudi girls are perfect Muslims

No, no they're not. Many Saudi girls act like they are in their OWN country, but the minute they leave Saudi Arabia, they usually take off their head scarf. It's all about the society you're living in and how it impacts you. Like for example, I would never wear shorts in public here in Bahrain but whenever I go to a foreign country(not in the Khaleej), I wear shorts. Does that make sense?

Being a good example of "Muslim" doesn't mean u lock itself in ur room to avoid communication with the opposite sex faten. You really need to read more and not invent rules from ur self.

It's not what I meant. I know what I'm talking about & I've educated myself enough with my OWN religion so don't go around calling me naive. If you had the slightest bit of common sense, you'd know that of course it wasn't written in the Quran for us to 'lock our selves up and avoid communication with the opposite sex'. Obviously, you lack common sense. I meant that many religious girls are raised to stay away from the opposite sex and that they're 'bad'. Many religious girls are religious because of their upbringing. Religious parents are usually quite strict and follow the quran very precisely & that leads to them not allowing their daughter to go our or have much freedom.

I also said "Girls wear the hijab and never have boyfriends" ..that's what i meant, why are you taking it as an insult. I was asking a typical question. its normal.


I know many religious bahraini girls. I honestly don't think that 99.5% is a precise statistic. I would say that about 79% of bahraini girls aren't as religious. Religious girls don't lock themselves up, they just have limits with the opposite sex, avoiding is almost impossible in the 21st century

I never said it was a precise statistic but from my own experience, I rarely ever see a very religious girl out. I know, I kind of meant it as that they don't have any contact with the opposite sex and CHOOSE to avoid such contact.

Why does your tumblr account have a pretty goth-ish theme? And the Ga7ba name? And all the re-blogged nude pics?

It's a grunge theme, and well I don't know.. I got bored of my fashion theme so I decided to change it. I have the ga7ba name because it goes with the whole 'grunge' theme, & a lot of grunge blogs have cunt/bitch/whore/etc as their blog titles so I decided to be a bit unique and use ga7ba. & not all my reblogged posts are nude pics..

no i wasn't calling you rude. why would you think that? i'm just curious that's all.

You said that they're all polite & I'm different?

99% of Arab girls from Kuwait aren't the perfect example of ''Muslim'' either.... the Muslims in the UK are generally Pakistanis/Afghanis, they tend to be more religious and modest because of their culture & upbringing. Pakistani culture is different from Arab culture.

Yeah, it's true. But not all Arabs all like that. I guess you'd say most of the Khaleej(excluding Saudi Arabia) & MANY countries in the Middle East aren't to be honest..

I'm christian, and ive heard and read a lot about islam. Muslim people don't usually do what you do. I live in the UK and i've seen muslims and all of them are very modest. Girls wear the hijab and never have boyfriends, they barely curse and are very polite, why are you so different than them?

Because honestly, I'm not the perfect example of a muslim girl. I don't wear a headscarf, I curse, I have my own personality, I'm open minded and I'm not afraid to say what I think or feel. & of course, I'm not the only one around here. Like 99.5% of Arab girls in Bahrain aren't the perfect example of a 'muslim' either. Not many of us wear headscarves and lock our selves in our rooms all day to avoid contact with the opposite sex but in the end of the day, we love our religion and are strong believers.
& excuse me but are you calling me rude?

last time, someone asked you what tumblr is used for, and you said "to express yourself". ok i dont mean to be nosy but i really dont understand why a thirteen year old girl would express herself by re-blogging pictures of naked girls and guys having sex. Please don't be defensive, just explain.

Yes, it is my way of expressing myself. I don't only reblog naked girls but a lot of pictures that I find relating(maybe not boobs but you get what I mean). The 'naked' girls and models are just reblogged for the sake of making my own blog unique. It's my blog style in a way. I'm not forcing anyone to check out my blog and many people would find it offensive but at the end of the day, it is my blog. No one is being forced to type down my link into their search box. It's pretty much like asking any other blog type; why do you reblog makeup/fashion/beach/etcetc.
Oh, I don't remember ever posting porn on my blog. Remind me, please?:L

i know who is this person and why she is hateing on u its a very easy person to know they talk u

Then tell me?x

I bet jameela or dana or any of those bitches are hating on you. Screw them we will always be on your side we know theyre no good.xoxo

Eh, wouldn't be surprised. Thankyou x
Liked by: KrYptonite


Language: English