

Ask @FatenF

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How much & where did you get your cat from?

I didn't buy the cat. My sister's friend gave it to her after her cat had kittens. ^-^

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Faten omg this is awesome, we have the same birthday :c x Except i'm a year older bs yalla :c x

Hahaha that's interestingg^-^

as a 17 yo, i can honestly say that you are an inspiration to me, i love how passionate and open minded you are with everything you do, that just makes me respect you even more, i really love everything you do, keep it up (:

Wow, I never realized people saw me that way. I thought I was just some regular 13 y/o. It really means a lot, walla reading this question brings me so much joy and I can say you made my day. Thank you SO much. :')♡

What do you think of Michelle phan's blog?

Michelle Phan is PERFECT. Her blog is perfect, her Youtube is perfect, her everything is perfect. She's so talented at what she does & she's so inspiring. I really look up to her.
Liked by: fatima

I dont know why people are always mean to you, i haven't met you in real-life but you look very nice, sweet and polite

Meh, they're only mean on the internet and virtual words don't really effect me. x) Thank you so much though!♡

Cat or dog person? And wuts their name? :D

I honestly love both but I currently have a cat! Her name's Maya. :D

control themselves. I am sick of idiots throwing around the word ga7ba for no reason. What you wear does not constitute whether you are a bitch or not, but what you do does. Wear whatever the fuck you want, and post whatever the fuck you want, and if they don't like it they can go fuck themselves.

I totally agree! The only choice we have to is deal with such idiots. They can say what they want to say, whether it is to me, or some other poor girl, but it'll never effect us. I really hate it when people think the sole purpose in life is to get married and I'm glad you're not one of those people, and trust me, very few think the way you do. Thank you so much.

as a reason why they won't marry you, then you should not even be marrying that person to begin with. This society is filled with some sick freaks who unfortunately cannot control their animal instincts and attack girls for posting pictures with the slightest amount of cleavage because they cannot


Hey Faten, don't pay any attention to these dickheads. Without delving into the fact that your sole purpose in life and the meaning for your existence is NOT to get married, but any dickhead who would actually bring up the fact that you posted a picture of yourself wearing a tank top on the internet

I'll answer in the cont xx

u dont know me but dont listen to those stupid kids, just ignore. they're just jealous that they're not u.

Thanks, I surely won't!^-^

Check now xx www.GlamorousSteps.blogspot.com ? Xx

It's cute I guess but I recommend keeping the font one color and easy to read. And be a bit more informative instead of saying "like this" and just posting a picture. And you seem to have a lot of grammatical mistakes so always remember to proofread! If blogging is something you really wanna do, then be prepared for a lot of criticism and take it gracefully. x
Liked by: yas

why do YOU think so many people hate u?

I don't think they necessarily 'hate' me. Unless I've wronged them, then they have no reason to. It all started from the rumors(that started about 2 years ago) then more and more people found out and thought I was 'bad' and whatnot. Right now, I don't think anyone really has a valid reason to hate me. I've apologized to anyone I've wronged so I can start a new page in my life now that I'm in high school & to let go of all the childish fights I have. If people STILL remain to hate me, then I'm sure it's because of jealousy.

Wtf.. I've seen girls in Bahrain wearing tank tops. MO HARAM.. you're not doing something illegal or haram, fuck these jealous, bitter haters. It's 2013, not the stone age. Grow up, bigots.

There are girls that wear shorts, cleavage, everything. But who the hell cares?! Let others do whatever they want, it's so irritating that they have to judge everything and anything a girl does!x
Liked by: Rooki

Faten I don't know you bs hussain chena ydawer lah mashakl =)) we got your back!!- Mohammed an9arii

I doubt it's him ahaha but yeah, that anon was pretty stupid.. Thanks! It really means a lot to me :')

Oh wow, that much fuss over a picture? Don't take this hate to heart, you're more than what they will ever be. Be happy :)

Some people just looove to make a huge deal out of nothing. I won't, thanks!


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