

Ask @FatenF

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Ok so we may disagree in movie and music tastes, but these people judging you about your pics are just retarded

Ugh I much prefer you than people who are judging me for taking pictures of my outfit?xD I didn't even so I don't know where they got that idea from;p

Just answer for fun , where do you think 1D will be 10 years from now?

I really hope they'd still be famous!:(

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omfg haven't these anons ever heard of keeping comments to their selves seriously god ok go listen to all the 'good bands' ur music taste is the best and ours is shit ok? happy? gonna stop crying now?

couldn't have said it better myself
Liked by: fatima

If one direction fought with the wanted . (real fight) . Who would win and who do you think is the strongest guy in one direction (in fighting) ? Zayn malik?

omg what is this question lmao why would they fight eachother

If 1D are so good and will be future legends in music , then why the fuck did they lose x factor ? Hahahahahaha

omg but guess what, they're the most famous band in our generation with millions of fans:D

Jonas brothers are betterrrr LOL


I like sharing my opinions and discussing about these things. Lol

Don't share it unless someone asked for it. & sure, discuss but don't go around saying other people's opinion in things suck and acting like you're better than everyone because you listen to supposedly 'better music'.
Liked by: abdulla bazian


I just ranted for like 10 minutes to my sister about these annoying anons omg ENARFZOOONNNN WHO ARE THEY TO JUDGE OTHER PEOPLE'S MUSIC TASTE. SAME MY MUSIC TASTE IS FLAWLESS SMD
Liked by: Rooki

Wtf there are better bands in this generation, for example : the wanted

The Wanted and 1D are extremely similar though

Oh ok, So you're saying in 50 years time Nicki Minaj, Justin Beiber, 1D, Drake, Lil Wayne, Lana Del Rey, Rhianna, Miley Cirus, Lady Gaga,Jay-Z....will be considered great artists? Get fuckin' real will you? And yes, anon, I think she's too young to understand true music

I'm not saying they will be but who are to say they WON'T?! Did you take a look into the fucking future? I didn't think so. I bet so many people during like the 80's or whatever thought the music they had sucked and preferred music from the 1950's or something and never thought the artists would be famous. I swear to god I bet you're like 17 lololol

And I know you are still VERY young to understand true music . Songs in 1D songs don't even make sense, they just have nice hair and style , if they were ugly they wouldn't be famous like that .

Music taste has NOTHING to do with taste. People like you have the definition of 'good' music as music in the fucking 70's or 80's but that doesn't mean you have great taste in music either. Music tastes differ, most people will think the artists in that time suck and I don't blame them, it's 2013 and music is DIFFERENT and will still constantly change. So, I suggest you stop comparing every artist in this century to artists in different century because they will never be the same. & there is more to 1D than their 'hair and style'. But you're clearly too obsessed with your 'good' music that you didn't even bother getting your shit straight.

Hey 1D are just famous for their good looks. Honestly I like the boys but their music is terrible. can't be compared to any rock band or any boy band. Just saying . And most of their fans have no good taste in music ,

Not really. You clearly know nothing about 1D fans. I personally love them for their personality and how funny they are. They act like NORMAL guys and they aren't too obsessed with their fame, unlike JB(sorry JB fans). This is why I stopped liking JB and why he's losing a lot of fans. A lot of the Directioners I know think the same. I wouldn't like them if the had the personality of the wall and didn't care about their fans. & I don't see why their music is terrible, I love their music. They ALWAYS put me in a happy mode. & actually they can. I know people always get somehow 'offended' when people compare them to The Beatles or anything but they're like The Beatles of our generation. Not because of the music they sing or anything, but sorry to break it to you, music genres and singers CHANGE. We aren't gonna have the same music we had in the 80's, it's 2013. & I don't see a problem with my music taste? 1D are actually totally out of my 'music taste' zone but I will still love them.

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Liked by: Fatima fatima

omg that anon was probably a bloke who thinks they're so deep for not falling for the boys' charms.. um its a movie showing their lives, what do you want her to say jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

Exaaactlyyy omggg I bet he/she thinks they're so cool because they're one of the few people that don't like 1D and listen to unknown rock bands because they have great music taste ermahgerd.. EXACTLY! What am I supposed to judge and review exactly lmao
Liked by: Rooki

Oh my god, I'm wasting my time here. Please go read how to review a film for fuck's sake.

No, PLEASE tell me how you'd review a film that was FUCKING REVOLVING AROUND THE LIFE OF 5 GUYS. THIS IS HOW I PERSONALLY REVIEW THE MOVIE, OPINIONS DIFFER. Fuck sake, such an idiot!

Hahahaha, so you're telling me that a movie needs to have a plot in order to judge? then why do movie review websites review documentaries? A movie has SO MUCH aspects in it other than the plot to judge. Please get your facts straight before answering a question...

I do have my facts right. The guys weren't acting whatsoever. It was just viewing how they act during their normal lives, during concerts, etc. & yes, it needs a plot and people ACTING to judge. What exactly would you be judging then? Their lives? YOU get your facts straight. It's MY favorite movie not yours, I don't see why you're so butthurt. xx

Torn is not there song they covered it it was there first song togather you directionator

Why would I memorize a song they covered though lmao

Since when were u so obbsessed with one direction lmao

I know exactly who this is omg ahahah & I've always liked them, I just wasn't a huge fan. But the more I researched and read about them, watched their interviews, etc, the more I fell in love with them and they grew to be a part of me.
Liked by: A'bdullah Nader.

Which one is more admirable in your opinion? A) Someone that endures all pain with a smile instead of a tear B) Someone that faces great danger with determination instead of fear

Mr. Do-do
Liked by: Mr. Do-do


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