

Ask @FatenF

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So i asked a guy in my class if he likes my friend and he said no shes like a sis to me but when i told that i did she was pissed off what do i do?

There's no reason for you to be pissed at you! Wait a bit until she cools down, being rejected sucks and hurts badly. Ymkn 6l3at 7arat'ha 3laich w I'm sure she didn't mean it, just talk to her. x

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Do you know Colton rt-d you? The pic of you & the cut out?

No, of course I don't know my celebrity crush of all time rt-ed me, no:)
Liked by: yas

I got tanned by the horrible weather of bahrain how can i undo it

It's pretty hard to 'undo' a tan but scrub/exfoliate your body frequently and shower using a loofa:D

Faten I think u should run for students council we will all vote for u, u will defiantly get in, then u can make the school a better place. (All of us boys will vote for u, go go Faten)

I will, enshallah!^-^ Thanks for your suppoort x

Fl 9wr akrah eb wayed fl 9jj ajmal

I'm not sure if I should feel offended or complimented.. either way thank you ahaha x

Good Morning Honey, What is the different when you saying Oh My God & Oh My Gosh? ♡

People usually use 'oh my gosh' instead of saying God's name in vain and think it's offensive etc... Many also thing it's blasphemous so they try to refrain from using it in public but they mean the same, an act of surprise ahaha. x
Liked by: Nasser309

beauteous,comely,exquisite,glorious,splendiferous,lovely,winsome,dazzling.. youre perfection faten! can we be friends for life:3? i guess not youre way cuter than me ♥:c

Haha ooohh fancy words!:') That's so sweet really but I'm faar from perfection love!x We can totally be friends, why not?
Liked by: Najwa.

You've suggested a couple of weeks ago a youtuber specialized in fitness but i don't remember her channel's name:$ may you please mention it again?

Liked by: Nasser309

So i go to delmon school girls there stare at me idk why and they seem to talk about me what do you think i shold do

Just ignore! Who cares if they take about you? If it's not said to your face, it's nothing to worry about. + Ignoring them will eventually cause them to shut up and they stare at you cause your fab okay, don't worry about it. xx


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