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enty shfe 7baybch yz3am ajnbeya. tara ela omch ma'3rbya madri tuneseya w obooch b7rani بحراني.

شدخل يزعم اجنبية؟ افتخر أني عربية و بحرينية، ولا قد مرة قلت أني اجنبية. و أي صح أمي تونسية و لكن لحين تنحسب عربية. و أبوي عجميييييي مب بحراني. لا تتفلسفين ارجوجججج.(:

tara you can say 80% of students in our school know's about what exactly happened between you and 7sain jameel

What happened between us tho? O.o

why you didnt answer my question ? about the car which was half of the time following you

Because no car was following me?

Great sense in fashion and makeup! Please what lipstick did you use in the photo you posted in insta with the caption: "see i posted it @saudalansari" ? It's gorg!

Thankyou so much!❤️ it was Atomic Pink by Maybelline, one of my faaavs

its like you cant wait to be 18, live your life 7abibti... betseeri 18. Act like ur own age

Yeah I actually can't wait til I'm 18, who doesn't?!I'm not gonna lie LOL but I'm still enjoying and loving life;) Laykoun just cause I'm younger, ba7kr rou7i fl bait w bakr'h 7yati? Haha la
Liked by: Nada.

Sorry but you have a bit of wrong information dear, you can go from core to extended if you think you're capable of doing that and sometimes your teacher must give assent

No you can't:/
Liked by: Nada.

What's core and extended though? I'm sorry for disturbing, but i don't live in bahrain & i might come next year & i know literally nothing about the educational system there

It's not the Bahraini education system tho, it's the uk igcse system:p and it's just a placement of students depending on their grades in the previous year.. They're kind of the same thing but extended is harder with more information and core is easier and with core, you can't get higher than a C in the igcse exam(in the core subject).. That's all really
Liked by: Nada. Yagoob Faraj

Do you get to choose your classes in your school?

In g10, you get to chose to drop a subject and if you're in extended, you can chose to go to core or stay in extended(but if you're in core you can't chose to go to extended) and from g11 and 12 you pick all of your subjects.

but if you bring good grades now, it means you have strong basics so it shouldn't be THAT hard.. good luck anyways :D

Yeah, we'll see I guess ahaha:') thankyou!x

Chem sucks took it until 10th grade cuz i hated physics but I dropped it when I took ib hahaha x good luck and u are pretty

Haha yeah it does suck bs shakly ba5tha next year and in ib too:(! Thankyouuu xo


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