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20 facts about me :$.

Okay, that's hard :P
1. Your name is 7abeeba el Sh3aiby
2. You're so sweet mashalllah, I can't even describe your sweetness :')
3. Adorable :3
4. You're funneh!!
5. You laugh A LOT mashalllaaah =))
6. You love nutella w marra ythakrny feek
7. You smile all the time mashallah <3
8. I love everything about yoou :'3
9. 2 thanawi :P
10. A3sha8 lmn ts2aleeny questions bbm =))
11. MARRAA t7beeenyy ya alllaah :3
12. lol amza7 ana elly marra a7bik walllah :*:*
13. Daym tdaf3een 3annyyy <3
14. You love chocolate
15. You love food zayye :3
16. Btjebenli chocolates ktheer youm mn el ayam bas kitha l2ny 8rrt :D
17. 9a3eeeeena ntfaa :$
18. You love hugs zayye b3d :$
19. MARAA a7iib your hugs :3
20. Mn zaman ma shiftiiich :c

Why do u insist on putting 9waar akel fe elgroup </3 :'( Sharing is caring my friend XD Who are you? :$ 3 months ago <<< ana at4kr enna Faye Do NOT share food ;) =)) xD ;p

Faye shares pictures of food.. but doesn't share real food!!
You may realize now that Faye is mean.

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What is your impression about me in our first meeting? ;$ , and what do you think of me now :$?

Madry ma at'9akar :P
A very sweet person mashallah w t7been kil a7d <3

5 differences between you and ..... "choose one " ?‎‎

5 differences between me and McDonald's:
1. It sells food, I don't.
2. I'm hungry all the time, it's not.
3. It's everywhere, I'm not.
4. I can talk, it can't.
5. I have a mobile, it doesn't.

من ٺقۈڵـہْ : أنٺ فڵڵـہْ / أحب ذۈقڳ / حڵۈه عيۈنڳ / أنٺ ڳفۈۈ / حڵۈه ٱبٺسٱمٺڳ / ٱغٱر عڵيڳ / محد يفرقنٱ / ٱڳرهڳ / مٺێم ٺفهمني /ٱنٺ عندي غير /ٱڳره زعڵڳ‏

أنٺ فڵڵـہْ: دندون
أحب ذۈقڳ: ولا احد
حڵۈه عيۈنڳ: منوور
أنٺ ڳفۈۈ : هدزولي
حڵۈه ٱبٺسٱمٺڳ: :)
ٱغٱر عڵيڳ : ججولي
محد يفرقنٱ: ججولي
ٱڳرهڳ: يورسلف
مٺێم ٺفهمني: دندون
ٱنٺ عندي غير: دندون
ٱڳره زعڵڳ‏: النوري

Do I look like: Indian - American - Italian - Saudi - French - Spanish - Brazilian - Korean - Lebanese - Mexican - Russian - Australian - British.. ? :P

umm tough one :P
ymkn Australian ;;)

A thing you wish you could change about me?‎‎

I love you for who you are, I wouldn't change anything <3

10 facts about me

Khozama AlJamal
Tra 6fasht mn aktib facts 3an el naaaaas :(
1. Your name is Khozama
2. I call you: 5amsa - 5o5o - 5amseenzama - Koko and a lot more (and by a lot I mean AH LOT)
3. You're the best sister anyone could ever have :D:D!!
4. You're ADORABLEEE!!!!!
5. You're soooo funnnyyy
6. I love you so much wallahhh and I cannot afford to lose you :$
7. tnarfzeeen ma tjeebenli moyaa :(
9. Bel 9aif kint kil youm ashofik l darajat eny 6fasht mn wajhik :*
10. B3d kil hatha I'd still say that you're indescribable :'D

10 Facts about me :$?!..Shahad.q

1. You're beautiful <3
2. You're sweet!!!!!!!!!
3. Y3awer lmn t6geen
4. 9af 2 mitwase6 kint ma7bik <3 kint '3abya :(
5. A7BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. You're my sister!!
8. Glteli enik btjeen baitna greeb bas ma jeety :D
9. I miss you so much :D
10. I LOVE your personality <3!!!!
Btro7een elyoum madrisa??

Not sharing food is rude.... Wait, that actually rhymes!

Sorry I have to be rude, mean and selfish when it comes to food :$
3la 6ary el rhyming.. Gid sma3ty ena wa7da rhymed smile with now? :D Etha la goleli awareek :P

what is the most embarrassing Thing you did while eating with family,friends or gathering fe 3azema ?

I'm messy when I eat.. So, yeah.. :D

5 Facts about me :$ :*

2. You remind me of myself :'D
3. They say we look alike! I'M LUCKYYY <3
4. I love you and I miss you!!
5. You're one of the best people I know wallah!! You're sweet and funny and all :')


Language: English