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Ask @glittore

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HO on Drewfblim, Innocent Mistake, Roxanne, and Warmth

Drew - for some reason I feel like she doesn't like me and I saw her on my viewer list on one of my streams once and my anxiety sort of spiked lol idk. I don't dislike her but I'm pretty sure she dislikes me??
Innocent Mistake - SHE IS SO SWEET she drew me twice for free because I liked her art so I whitelisted her aw
Roxanne - she remembers me and for that I feel very warm and fuzzy toward her, we old forumers gotta stick together
Warmth - I think there was a time when I disliked Cat (I kinda go through the dislike phase w everyone tho) but we homies now so it's ok
Liked by: Drew BLAKE

*You don't have to answer this* Hi all, in response to the number of people asking for less questions, I will now be only sending out 2-3 questions daily. Thanks.

This'll be a lot less overwhelming for me, I'm glad ^^ although I will be answering the remainder of questions in my inbox shorty (I'm in the mountains at the moment so phone service is spotty)
Liked by: BLAKE

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Can a long distant relationship work? Why?

I've been in long-distance relationships before. In my opinion, trust and communication are essential to making them work. If you don't trust your significant other or if you can't talk to them often, what's the point?
Liked by: Jess BLAKE BriMeowZero

Do you think that ask fm is doing enough to keep users safe from harassment/drama? What do you think ask fm could do to better protect users?

Ask.fm is letting too many good people lose their accounts to excessive reporting. Countless people who I enjoy seeing on ask have had to make backup accounts out of fear of being deleted by hateful people reporting constantly. That's FUCKED. Ask.fm needs to evaluate these cases and restore the accounts that don't deserve to be banned, because a lot of the accounts that are banned are wonderful people who have been reported repeatedly by horrid assholes who don't understand what a positive impact they have on their followers.
Liked by: BLAKE

When travelling how do you keep yourself safe? Do you feel fairly comfortable whilst travelling? Why?

Anxiety makes travel a really difficult thing to do without worrying about everything that could possibly go wrong. If I'm on a plane or some other vehicle, I'll just sleep through the trip as long as I can, because that's the only way to silence my constant worrying.
Liked by: BLAKE

you cant let the cat take your remote control and let it watch soap operas all day

New Hampshire is pretty and photos just can't do it justice
Liked by: BLAKE Jess

How many Cd's, Vinyls or mp3 albums do you own? Which albums are your favorite?

I don't really own any full albums, but I'd absolutely love to own every single one of Linkin Park's albums ;u;
Liked by: BLAKE

Are you good at cooking? What meals/food can you cook? What meals would you like to learn to cook?

[TW food]
I'm okay at cooking, as I took a culinary course at school and picked up skills from my parents, who are both good cooks despite being shitty people lmao. I want to learn how to make a really good stir fry with tofu.
Liked by: BriMeowZero BLAKE

What kind of things do you like to do in summer?

I like to chill with friends, marathon movies & TV shows, and spam League games. I usually do that shit away from home though - there's no way I'm gonna stay at my house if I don't have to.
Liked by: BLAKE

Do you have any creative hobbies? What are they? What made you want to do the particular hobby?

I've been drawing digitally since around 2012. I got into it after discovering art communities online. I wanted to try digital art since I dabbled in traditional art, and now I'm better at digital art than I am at traditional lol =w=
Liked by: BLAKE

TW: Food Question 1: What are your favorite fast food places? What do you usually get there? If you don't eat fast food, what are your favorite restaurants? What do you usually get there?

I like Subway and Chipotle. I usually get a vegetarian sub at Subway; I add avocado sometimes, or egg. At Chipotle I usually get a veggie burrito with lemonade or something to drink.
Liked by: BLAKE

Do you think that make up is a good form of creative/self expression? Why? How much make up do you wear?

I think that the human face is a blank canvas and you can decorate it as you please or leave it plain. The possibilities are endless! I personally wear a lot of eye makeup (eyeshadow, liner, false lashes, heavy bottom lash mascara) I like to emphasize my lashes the most. I never wear foundation and I will occasionally wear lipstick, but I usually prefer to stick to a nice lip balm.
Liked by: BLAKE emmilaurie

Write an HO on yourself. Length doesn't matter. Whether or not this is criticism, it is up to you.

I'm a really bitter and shitty person and I let my mental illnesses toss me around and beat me into a pulp, I'm a joke and a door matt to people irl and I'm so irrelevant online, I kind of destroyed most of my meaningful friendships singlehandedly and I can't seem to stay away from drama??
Liked by: BLAKE

I care about you lol, I just thought you didn't care about me. xD Anyway, that literally describes me exactly

Hurray for old forumers who are suddenly deemed irrelevant by whoever dictates who gets attention
Liked by: Minori BLAKE

With permission from the lovely Billie, I'm going to make a forum interview topic when I come back from the Philippines on the 18th. The topic is to ask thought provoking questions to "interesting" forumers. Who do you think is "interesting" and should be interviewed first? Ty in advance c:

Lol not me because everyone stopped caring about me past like mid 2014
Liked by: Minori BLAKE

A catfish is someone who creates a fake identity on the Internet. Why do you think people 'catfish'? Have you ever experienced this?

Some people catfish because they are insecure. Others are just malicious. My friend dated a catfish for over a year and the discovery that the person was fake devastated her.

Are you a member of any fandoms? Which ones? What has your experience of being a part of a fandom been like?

I like to avoid fandoms; some of their members can be very extreme and I find it a bit disturbing.

Question 1: What are the top 3-5 movies to make you cry or at least make you sad? (Ignore if this does not apply to you)

Bridge to Terabithia
Big Hero 6
Phantom of the Opera (this one gives me happy tears but sometimes also sad tears and I just generally cry a lot bc anxiety o k)
Liked by: Todd BLAKE


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