
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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yes you're one of my favorites. you're very funny and nice and so beautiful. 15/10 would recommend to follow

Wow 15/10 is a pretty good rating, thank u *sunglasses emoji*


new acc: pall0r
I cleared my inbox of everything I could answer thoroughly on mobile (I have about 5 questions remaining) send me stuff maybe? :)
I'll make it an honesty night I guess!!

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you're very welcome. you're one of my favorite ask.fm users and you deserve many compliments. you are gorgeous, funny and purrfect. ily

Wait what I'm someone's favorite?
can I keep you forever I love you so much omfg you deserve all the hugs and fluffy kittens in the world

i dont think you're ignoring it, if you dont answer it for a while then thats fine. its your account and you can answer when you want and what you answer

Omg I love my anons, you guys are so understanding thank you SO much I couldn't be more grateful <3


I don't want you to think I'm ignoring this; I literally live in sweats/a uniform most of the time so I will probably go back and answer this when I'm dressed up in something cute

the two twitter pictures of you in your dress and makeup is very gorgeous. you are gorgeous all the time

Thank you so much qt <3 I love you

Of course, it's not a bother at all! I probably should not have asked that question in the first, I was apprehensive about it from the beginning. I will definitely be more careful next time. Again, I'm sincerely so very sorry! I hope you're okay doll and I'm here if you need anything!

Thank you, you're the sweetest :) hope you have a good night
btw trigger wise death is the only concern of mine, I can handle pretty much everything else lol most things that fuck me up are auditory/physical

I'm sincerely sorry for sending that question, I meant to put a trigger warning but I honestly just forgot. I'm really sorry. I can remove you from the spam list if you like so any further questions don't make you uncomfortable.

It's ok I mean I enjoy your questions and all and normally I'd just delete something like that but I'm so mentally vulnerable tonight
I don't wanna be taken off the list but is there any way you could avoid sending me questions like that without it being a big bother to you? ;-;

Question 1: If you could choose how you would die, what would it be?

[tw death]
yeah uh please don't send me questions like this

how was the english exam

I did ok, there were 2 full-length essays and 2 150-word passages, I did both passages and an essay and then 3ish paragraphs of the second essay

Your cat is beautiful. Cats mean so much to me, I think they're one of the most amazing animals. Just watching them entertains me and I love their cute purrs. I so wish I could have one but I am very allergic :/

AW I'm so sorry to hear that honey ;-; but if you think Sphynx cats are cute they're usually allergy-friendly (people allergic to cats are usually only allergic to their fur). I have a mild allergy myself but it doesn't bother me and I smush my face into my cats' anyway LOL

Good luck on your English exam

[tw food mention]
Thank you, I'm gonna stop at Starbucks beforehand to inhale caffeine and eat a panini or cake pops to keep me awake

What class is it for

English course, I have to write a bunch of papers lol ugh not looking forward to it

Question 2: Should schools start later in the morning? Why or why not?

Honestly, I sort of like the early start.. But it also leads to a lot of kids falling asleep in class and then being punished for it (what the fuck?).
I would actually rather start at 7 and dismiss at 1 than start later and dismiss way later in the afternoon.

hello xi you are gorgeous, adorable, humorous. and very awesome. have a great night and stay safe. big hugs to you. ily

Thank you bby
I have an exam tomorrow lol ew


Language: English