
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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Question 1: Do you pay attention to fashion trends or do you dress however you want?

I dress however I want but will occasionally see something in a magazine or whatever and be like "oh that's cute" and get it

Question 1: What personality trait is the most important for inner beauty?

Kindness (toward ALL those who deserve it)

the bad wolf is near

I love it when people yell things from their cars to me while I'm walking
They might as well yell "I am a cowardly piece of shit and I hate myself"

krusty krab pizza is the pizza for you and me

Today in my anatomy class people were making jokes about killing themselves/telling eachother to die and then laughing up an obnoxious fucking storm, very mature
I love when people aren't intelligent enough to fathom what is emerging from the trash chutes that are their mouths

Question 1: If someone says something that offends you, do you speak up about it or do you ignore it?

I speak up sometimes, but I usually just don't because a lot of people I know are very ignorant

Question 1: Are you a traveler or a homebody? (A homebody is someone who likes to stay home)

I'm a homebody only because I currently lack the means to travel

Question 1: Should the alcohol drinking age be increased, decreased, or stay the same? Why?

Alcohol should be banned, period. It's fucking vile.

Question 1: What qualities do you think make a good parent?

The most important one to me is tolerance. No matter what happens to your child- whether they develop a condition, decide to transition, etc- be fucking prepared to love them just as much as you did before.

I'd rather have everyone play their own ethnicity. I don't even English people playing Greeks. I want Greeks playing Greeks. Egyptians playing Egyptians. Chinese people playing Chinese people. Etc.

this is so redundant


Language: English