
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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Sleeping Beauty: How would you describe your sleeping schedule? How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

My sleep pattern is fucked due to my anxiety and the bad thoughts and things in my mind that disturb me, keeping me stimulated and awake. I can function on 5 hours of sleep, faultily. Sadly I don't usually get more sleep than that most days, so during school I stay in the classroom during lunch periods to nap and conserve my energy for instructional time.

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The Seven Dwarfs (question isn't related to the 7 dwarfs sorry): Which of the Seven deadly sins controls your life? (pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth) (sorry if you get this twice)

Out of these, anger controls my life most of all. Anger towards my parents and others who misunderstand me, anger at myself, anger at anything else I could possibly be angry towards.

So someone game me an idea to do a Disney themed spam, so here it goes! Hope you enjoy! Pinocchio: Why do you think people lie?

8-) dat was meeEEEeee
I think people lie for multiple reasons. The most common of all is likely because lying is in their best interest. However, sometimes people lie with the intention of protecting someone they care about, because they're afraid of causing them emotional pain.

Question 2: If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you? Why or why not? (If you don't want any children, ignore.)

I'd rather be surprised to see how the genes of myself and my significant other combined, and watch my child make their own choices in life and develop their identity and sense of self.

what are you doing on my swamp

I got evicted by Lord Farquaad I didn't kno dis was ur swamp Shrek ///:

Question 1: Are you good at hiding your feelings?

mmmmm if I mildly dislike someone, yes
if I am VERY mildly annoyed by them yes but if I'm annoyed by their loudness no
I suck at keeping romantic feelings bottled in ahahha
there is one person in particular, though, at my school who I cannot stand to the point where if I see them in a room and I am able to leave, I will literally scramble out before I get anxious.
there is another person who I can't even think about without starting to feel sick and tbh if I ever ran into them face to face I'd straight up puke and lose my shit because they are the most horrible person and I literally can't like anything they do because I will always associate it with them.

I wasn't trying to make it a competition im sorry and also it may trigger people you right but it really shouldn't if they wanted to talk to you haha that just my opinion tho

People would still be triggered by blood if it triggered them, regardless of whether or not they wanted to talk to me. When warned of triggering things, some people can attempt to brace themselves, but usually those with specific triggers would rather avoid them whenever possible- such as while in a controlled environment (ex: certain areas of the internet). Some people's triggers are so severe that no matter how long they've had to prepare mentally, they will still react poorly. I don't want my page to be an unsafe place for anyone, y'know?

just because one person isnt triggered doesnt mean everyone else isnt. its better to be cautious of others triggers


I bled more and when I got my wisdom teeth done stitches popped and I spitting blood for awhile haha

Alright well this isn't a bleeding competition so

Well I wasn't disturbed after all we all have blood inside are bodies I mean cut me and cut the next person we all will bleed something haha

But it can be triggering to some people and I don't wanna be insensitive lol it was a lot of blood.

What do you mean by that

Pic 21 was a picture of my mouth after oral surgery so it was super bloody. I don't want anybody to be disturbed by seeing it on their feed >:

Post 21 pic in your phone/computer

wait actually nvm I don't wanna keep it up bc I don't wanna trigger any cuties

I hope you have a flawless day if anything you deserve it more then anyone

yoU are so sweet thank you thank you

Oh I thought you had a bit of a grin in your one pic and it looks amazing so I wonder how amazing you'll look with a smile and your hand gone but anyways I should be thanking you for being yourself you are the true meaning of perfect and beauty and flawless and wonderful so thank you so so much

Aw have a good day

Yeah they are good I mean you have beautiful eyes and nice looking smile and not to mention I bet you look so beautiful and gorgeous right now that you don't need make up or filters or anything

what I've never posted my smile before haha but ty nonetheless
however I don't feel personally that I'm presentable and idk I don't wanna post any full pics of my face at the moment

But you are covering your face up a bit and you can't see all the beauty you have

my lips and eyes r good enough for now friend


Language: English