
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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Don't call it soccer or I'll call American Football 'sucker'.... have you ever been to Europe?

No but I wanna go to France, Russia, Sweden and other places really badly :v someday!

Oh you live in the USA? Do you like football?

Well I don't really follow soccer if you mean soccer, and American football annoys me

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Ne ne ne, we won't fight haha :D how old are you?

I don't consider my age to be very relevant, so I don't see fit to reveal it

You are Russian, I'm from EX Yugoslavia, should we try to kill each other like Stallin and Tito or? LOL

nO we must make peace and set an example for modern Slavic ppl !!
Unless u wanna fite /:

Question 2: Could you be in a long-distance relationship? Why/Why not? If you're in one, what makes yours work?

My boyfriend and I skype a lot and talk constantly on social networking. Constant communication is key. And trust.

Question 1: What are your 5 favorite tv shows? (If you don't watch tv then ignore this)

Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Say Yes to the Dress
The Vampire Diaries
(I'm so behind on these 2 and basically stopped watching lol)
I don't watch much TV at allllll, I usually don't commit to TV series and just prefer random reality shows & wedding shows & murder documentaries (on good days)

nooo i mean have you found your angel of music

Probably myself I mean I have no friends and my sort-of bf lives in New Jersey

Yeh Ik it just continues to baffle me how they say something so rude and just inhumane and feel so totally fine about it.

Humanity, bruh.

Yeh, there is no way you can justify what she did.

I will never understand why white people continue to justify being shitty toward people who are literally just like them except with a different skin color and way better personalities

Yeh, if the tour isn't cancelled in the end I think they'll be a lot of commotion and stuff do I really hope it doesn't go through, she doesn't deserve to go on tour.

I have a feeling she still will but at least her fanbase/support is declining!

Haha, yeh ik, I just don't get how she has so many fans when she is so rude and racist.

The amounts are probably dwindling; I mean, her tour is being threatened so that means her only remaining fans are probably people who are trying too hard to justify her actions

Yeh Ik, and tysm :3 ♥ ( yeh I heard, serves her right though)

Yeee she was being racist when she's the white girl in a primarily black industry like um Iggy this isn't your territory

You're answer to that frat thing is literally the best thing ever tysm you're like the only person who actually acknowledged the fact that it's not the rappers fault bc black people don't only make rap for white people ♥ ty.

You're welcome honey aw <3
I mean, black rappers can't pick and choose their audiences but I am sure if they could it'd exclude shitty racist white boys. People often forget that rap was created by black people and the small amount of white rappers really sorta shoved their way into what was a musical movement belonging to black people exclusively before whites went "oo oo I want in!!"
ALSO YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL I love your hair so much!!
(btw apparently Iggy's ticket sales crashed and her tour could potentially be cancelled due to her bad attitude and I laughed at that)
Liked by: luna;

what do you think of this? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/11/twitter-morning-joe-rapper_n_6850286.html?ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000051

They are blaming a rapper for encouraging white frat fuckboys' racism because he uses the N-word frequently in his songs? What the fuck.
Waka is black. He's allowed to use the N-word and those cracker shitheads should know better than to use it. They knew very well, I'm sure, that they were being racist. Nobody should be defending their shitty actions or attempting to place blame on anyone else for "influencing" them (also good on Waka for cancelling his appearance at the college, fuck performing for people who insult your culture).
Also, BLACK PEOPLE DO NOT ONLY RAP FOR WHITE PEOPLE WTF. Those who enjoy rap aren't soley white and those two fucking expired mayo globs are shitty for excluding every other race that listens to rap and shitty for even attempting to justify the frat boys' actions and even telling Waka HE should be disgusted???!!! Good for the black people on twitter for blasting those news anchors bc they fucking suck.

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Liked by: invalid luna;

how are you doing

hi qt
I'm ok but I've been thinking about the girl who was harassing me a lot bc I keep seeing things I know she liked/things about the state she lives in
I still can't bring myself to make digital art without thinking about how I made the entire forum artist community hate me
I can't stop thinking about how when Aeri wrote of me panicking because my dA profile as found out, people who I once called friends didn't care or stick up for me and dismissed my poor mental condition
idk why I'm thinking about this shit when it was all so long ago but I am an overthinker and a worrier and past-dweller by nature.
Liked by: luna;


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