
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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You are granted the ability to see into the future, but are only able to see one part of a person's life, their death. How would you use this ability to your advantage?

I would try my best to save who I could.

Describe a person who makes you happy without saying their name?

Curly haired, warm eyed cutie with a deep, charming voice and a 10,000-watt smile

What are your opinions on lucid dreaming? Is it something you have mastered or would like to?

Terrifying to me personally, when I attempted it for some reason I had no control and saw distorted, horrible faces materialize in front of me.
I've heard you can send yourself into a coma doing it, but until I discover otherwise (haven't researched) I'm calling bullshit on that.

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Describe to us a scene in a movie that disturbed/creeped you out without naming the title of the movie?

Locusts swarm a bus full of kids e_e

What is one remake of a classic that you wish had never been produced?

w8 i was tired when I answered this and I typo'd WOW
I meant Little Women
but yeah the entire story just gives me the feels in a bad way :< I didn't need a movie form of it too
Liked by: v

Decribe to us the first happy memory that comes to mind when reading this?

Honestly, I can't recall one specific memory at the moment (I'm dealing with some tough stuff at the moment and my mind is clouded with stress)
The first thing that came to my mind was League of Legends though; I like the gorgeous digital art and I find it to be a super enjoyable game, it's so fun to play with friends and I like to meet random sweet people and make new friendships aw
Liked by: v

Why do girls' and boys' clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

If I'm correct, I think it's because well-off ladies in the olden days had hand maidens to dress them, while men dressed themselves
Liked by: BLAKE

What freaks you out?

,this questin
really fits what just found out and im paniikingkcc i need osmoene to tlk to so baly

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

Honestly it was probably the most absurd thing ever but oops I have an explosive temper (it's not as simple as that but let's pretend it is)

What was the last movie you watched that was really good?

Not a movie but an episode out of a TV series (Black Sails). ALSO KNOWN AS TELEVISED HOMAGE TO BEAUTIFUL RUGGED MEN

What do you order at Starbucks?

Tazo green tea lemonade (sweetened), the size varies depending on how thirsty I'm feelin'

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

I used to be a mega-extrovert, really hyper and enthusiastic and full of life, but people talked shit and called me annoying and stomped me down to the point where I am now extremely introverted around people I'm not comfortable with. I prefer to sit quietly and take in my surroundings.


Language: English