
hannah banana

Ask @hannahmckayla

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Jake (one u kissed)

omg ha.
well we use to hang everyday but know we dont
uhm , i kissed him alot lmao
i do this voice around , ( momking him )
and he hates it .
but i love it.
he is funny .

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Nydya Sanchez?

Shes my bestfriend yo
we use to hang every day
dayum cant wait till she comes back
MEXICAN RICE / HASHBROWNS / COLD WATER / POB / CHICKEN & 3Min Cereal is our shiut <3

Savannah Lynn?

we crazy together
u love her laugh & shes so small
she needs to txt me
an we longboard together kinda
i miss her crazy ass
( twerking in the girls bathroom at cascio with 10other ppl wasn fun af )
Liked by: Savannah Lynn

Whats on thing that makes you pissed.?

& there is never parties in nebraska
bet whenever there is .
it always ends up with the cops & drugss & shit
i mean -,-


i love this quote;
everyone wants happiness
noone wants pain
you cant have a rainbow
without a little rain


well everyone knows i get scared easily so during halloween i need to like hold someones arm just incase & she said she would be right back and im always with a big group and so they all hid from me an i was so so so so scared cause no one was around so i startted texting on y phone an walking and i was scared tbh and they all jumped out and i was gonna pee myself and my (use to be) guy frienddhad a madk on ad picked me up and ran with me down the street and i punched him in theface
true story
dont ever try to scare. me
i'm scared of everything


the only thing is that i hate what ppl do is when they SPIT. i hate when ppl spit onfront of me . like go walk 5 feet away from me and spit . i hate it !!! espiecally if you chew and spit near me i will hate you.


my atepmom just invited these hot colllege boys over for a bbq tonight.
and i was out there roasting my marshmallows and they were starrig at me & i looked over st them and they were starring and then said oh sorry
i knew they was lookin at dis bootty


will spend time with me
taller than me
cheek bones(idktheresexy)
likes to eat. but not fat
isn't prude
isn't scared to show me off


ok well basically i guess i supposily bullied "ashleymarie" well this is our story becyz she won't stop freaking talking bout me i people unless i say it. well you guys know how i post shit. well one day my friend called me and said look at ashley stairs instagram . he just posted the same thing after you . so i say it annd i was like eh idc . and the. like after a couple months i never went bak to her page. becuz like idk i dint go to her page , but that same person said hannah go to ashleys instagram shes been copyig u. so i went i her oage and look through the stuff. and i was like wtf. and then so i commented on one of er things ad was like stop cooying me. becyz everyone htes when people copypeople. its logic. well anyways we strte o get into an arguement and i was at my friends house and he saw the whole thing. and she commented on it . and then infront of all y friends she was like yeah hannah has a copier and there were like show me so i showed them. and so then eeryone started commentingon her stuff. & then she was likei don't and they were like we have proof. so my friend made all these collages of the pictures that are the same an she had dates in there too and there was proof. and ao then ashley said we were harassing her so i told them to stop an they did. and then a couple days later i left her alone and 2weeks from now i didnt go to her page or evern think about er, she blocked me from all her sites so i really couldnt see her stuff. and then today i posted thebullying thing is wrong and then she started liking mystuff on ask. and i was like wtf i thought she blocked me and so i ignored it. & then i kiked her after awhile cause she kept liking my stuff i was like stop liking my stuff . and then she started asking me questions and i was like i know who this is. an she said to me over kik that she wanted people to know the truth and not lies . and so know i made this
and i ddn't bully her
and she thinks i copy her. LMAO
when i know there is dates on the pics
and so i'm not even gonna start up but i just wanted to post this becuz she wanted me to. and iknew if i didnt she wouldnt leve me alone with it.
but yeah.

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ok well basically i guess i supposily bullied ashleymarie well this is our
Liked by: Ponnn Grace Bryant


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