

Ask @harrywouldupls

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i love your twitter so much, even if you are a harry girl over a niall girl. but anyway will you do more of those what if things and add the gif?????? i love those!! <3 thanks!

maybe laterr

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I love you so much I know you can get through this. I believe in you, and I wish I could just take away your pain. I know you can do it.

I love you, thank you so much. I'm trying.

I don't want you to try.. I just want you to face this shitty world with all you got, and not give 2 shits about what anyone thinks. You know that you deserve better and so do I. I didn't want to make you cry, but its the harsh truth I love you mandee u know that. Stay strong.

Erica I love you so much. Thank you. you're perfect
Liked by: Erica

i hate that you feel so depressed and sad. i believe that everyone should be happy in life and i only want the best for you. your beautiful and wonderful and we all have our days but i want u to feel like ur loved and to wake up and be so happy to be alive. God wants that for u. We all want that 4 u

i love you, thank you. you're amazing.

But I want you to be ok right now.. Not in 5 minutes, now.. Stop feeling like shit when you know perfectly well that your amazing and have a great personality, your my rock ily -e

this made me cry, i love u so much. and im really trying.
Liked by: Erica

That girl who just sent you that ask about not eating. I only eat dinner too.... /:

whyyyyyyyyyyyy ur perfect :(

and it kind of makes me feel that he doesnt love her but when i see their facebook posts it just makes me sad and i think im going to see him this weekend bc im going to play volleyball and he said that he was going to my games and his gf also plays volleyball and lives in another city any advice?

Maybe you just need to wait it out? see if that relationships going to go anywhere? because i've been in love with my best friend for months now and he's dating someone, and im just waiting it out...

week ago they got back and i was feeling like a whore bc when we talk he call me beautiful and rlly nice things but we dont talk that much anymore which makes me happy and sad bc i think i really really REALLY fancy him and everytime we talk i feel like a whore and he complains about his gf with me-


i need an advice i really like this guy but he lives in another city and we've been talking for almost a month (ik its not that much) but i kind of fancy him wich is not good bc when we started talking he just broke up with his two years gf so he was like being all cute and nice to me but like a -


(+) if I was anorexic and I just couldn't say anything so I went to the bathroom and just cried and he hasn't texted me and IM really sad..what should I do? please help :c

Honey, you need to get help. It's only going to get worse. It's going to consume you. You're perfect the way you are. You need to realize that. Please get help before it gets worse.

I need some advice. im very uncomfortable with my body. I've been not eating breakfast or lunch and only dinner sometimes. Now my friends at school are noticing. On Friday my boyfriend asked me why I never eat lunch&I panicked bc I didn't wanna tell him I'm starving myself and then he asked if (+)


How do you feel about gay marriage

I support it so much. I feel that if two people are happy and love each other and they want to be together. Then nothing should stop them, and they shouldn't have to hide who they are. :)

Whats the very first thing you would do if you saw harry randomly walking around

probably go into shock and shit myself. just kidding, i would ask if i could get a quick picture and tell him how much he's changed my life


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