
Santiago Garcia

Ask @holitasbuacho

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worst mistake of your life was??

Oh just these are so damn similar questions. My worst mistake was to cheat someone

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how can I get rid of some feelings you don't want to feel??

Trying yo understand why are you feeling like this, which is the very first beggining

what are some ways you manage stress?

I just try to be calm. Listen nice music, drink water and play or go skateboarding

What do you think of cheaters (in romantic relationships)?

I think is so stupid to cheat someone. I did It and it was the worst thing i've ever did. You just hurt people doing that

in your opinion, what should a man be like?

Just a good person, and not to be an ass with everything or everybody that is not like him

What should I do after watching a scary video that keeps me from sleeping?

Eat ice cream with your pets or someone else

So you do things without considering or caring about the consequences right?

Intento aprender de las consecuencias

guau de verdad le doy tantas vueltas a las cosas 🤦‍♀️ okayy entonces estaba todo bien, perdón por sobre reaccionar soy un payaso🤭 jajaja

jajajaja a mí también me pasa, está todo bien sipi


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