
fuck u

Ask @iitzMeBaaby

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whats the last thing that mad u happy?

I haven't been answering any of my questions but I have to answer this one.
1. What's* made* you*
2. When Shearyce punched Alison && when Lauryn got pissed because of this big situation that I'm not gunna get into ,anyways , she got mad and kicked a locker that she had already spit on. :')

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how was your day?

I love when people ask that question<3 annd meh. it was okay. I think I'm finally over my cold:D

I thought craig was ur guybest friend

No. &Javil isn't my best friend that's a guy he's my closest guyfriend . If that makes sense ?.

javil n shearice....

Did you really just spell her name wrong when I typed it correctly in an answer?.
Yea ...? Javil's my best guyfriend annd me & Shearyce are pretty close . Fucktard.
Liked by: Chelsea Okankwu

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

As far away as possible .

shes a bitch to shannon and daina and u dont hate her? wow sum friend

LOOOOOOL . Why should I hate her ? What has she done to me ? Their friends with people who are rude to me .. lol your actually too stupid .
Liked by: Cynical_Diana

what do u think of Kiauna? BE HONEST

Why is everyone getting asked this ?..... but tbh ,I don't know her well enough to dislike her or to talk shit. All I know about her is what's on the outside and what kinda person would I be if I judged her without knowing her? So all I can say is she was wearing a blue jacket one day and I really liked it. :$ kbyeee anon.

so u dont hate attention seekers..........?

There are different types of people who seek attention.
1. People who put themselves down so others will give them attention and call ten beautiful and all this bullshit.
2. People who lie about self harming, getting raped, attempting suicide, going through depression. Etc.
3. People who do bad things to get attention like getting arrested, suspended. Etc.
4. People who do good things to get attention like getting on the honor roll, making a sports team. Etc.
I have no problem with number four. Every other one I fucking hate.

Alot of ur friends are snakes and attention seekers I thoght u hated snakes an attentions skeekers?? WTF.....

**Throws dictionary at face**
1. Who doesn't hate snakes && attention seekers ?.
2. Alot of people who WERE my friends ,I just realized their snakes && big time attention seekers .
3. Not ALL my friends are snakes or attention seekers. && tbh I can deal with attention seekers ,like who doesn't want attention from time to time but snakes ,ugh . I'm just not even gunna start .

thoughts? :)

We met at bgc, and your so funny :') I remember when you, me and Caleb were in the gym and you called him by a different name because apparently you didn't like the name Caleb and idk it just made me laugh :b your fucking perff I'm actually jealous -.- we should talk more . Inbox soon ? (:


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