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Ishter-kun ~ what is your favorite Japanese band?

I love fripSide and FLOW. There probably a lot of other ones I can't remember at the moment
Liked by: Harry Wang

How often do you visit the Philippines? I want to actually see my piano inspiration so I asked the question :3

Once every five years? Though if I'm lucky I'd love to go back for a concert as well :D

Do you cry when you watch some animes? xD And if you do, which one has made you cry most?

ABSOLUTELY. I'm a pathetic little girl who cries at emotional scenes.
My god the tears I shed in Clannad and Angel Beats... ;__;

What do you think are your top 10 hardest transcriptions?

Hm I actually never thought of it since my improvisational arrangements are more for "voices" rather than difficulty.
I guess Theme of SSS and sister's noise arrangements are the most difficult at the moment.

you might've been asked this already... but do I see no Joe Hisaishi music? I'd looove to hear Howl's Moving Castle and One Summer's Day transcribed by you ;w; cuzcuz... you're so epic... and... (*sobs while playing twinkle twinkle little star*)

Yeah, Joe Hisaishi is a genius composer~ But no plans to record any of his pieces yet (I did Hana-bi in the past)

I'm still learning how to read the individual notes in sheet music. Could you recommend a few easy pieces that I could practice on until i get the hang of it or maybe an exercise I can do every day before practicing that would get me closer to sight reading?

Scales, definitely. Czerny and Hanon exercises, but don't spend too much time on them as they're really boring. Instead, try finding easy pieces from your favorite composers~
Liked by: Balazs Bence

I've recently gotten into piano after watching your wonderful transcriptions and thought that I should start out small before making my own anime transcriptions. So could you recommend a few easy classical pieces that a beginner like me could practice with?

The best way you can approach this is by listening to the works of composers. Listen to Scarlatti, Beethoven, Haydn, Mendelssohn, Chopin, etc. Narrow down which style you really like to listen to.
After doing that, then you can narrow down the simple pieces that the composer made and you can practice those~
Liked by: Balazs Bence

How much do you practice a day? I have been playing piano for a few years and I want to start taking it more seriously since recently, I have been inspired a lot by you and Animenz.

About 2 hours a day (because I'm memorizing hours of music for next year's projects - I can't say what at the moment).
Usually if I have no plans, I spend about 15-30 minutes on the piano a day.
Liked by: Balazs Bence

Since when did you start living in Canada?

I've been here for 5 years now. Before this, I spent my teenage years in California (United States).
I was in the Philippines during my childhood.
Liked by: Balazs Bence

Sorry to ask some private question, When you're in secondary school, what your grade? Good? Bad? Average? Because i want to be a pianist, And I don't always get good result in school examination. And I've played piano almost 10 year, but I feel like why i can't as good as you? Why?

My grades are just average. I'm actually going to switch to a music major next year (from a psychology major) because I want to pursue being a musician.
As for how your progress with piano playing, I can't answer that specifically. Although what I can say is, don't worry about it! Just enjoy playing the piano and you'll improve before you know it~
Liked by: Balazs Bence

I think I'm beginning to loose motivation for piano once again. And I want to avoid that, I still love piano so what should I tell myself to keeping loving it? It might be because of my 76keys piano that makes me feel like this...I can't stand that "piano" anymore, which digital piano should I buy?

Yeah, I recommend buying a better piano. Maybe the 88-key weighted keyboard from Casio, Roland or Yamaha. They usually have the best introductory digital pianos.
Also, just enjoy the music. You might be losing motivation because you're thinking of it as a chore. Well if you think of it as just listening to the music you love, then it'll be easier to keep that motivation of piano playing. Good luck!
Liked by: Balazs Bence

how long are you remembering one song and how you do that? arigatou

Faiz Firdaus
You mean for how long until I memorize a song? It usually takes about a day or two, but it depends ultimately on the difficulty of the transcription and how long the song is.
Liked by: Balazs Bence


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