

Ask @ItsDollop

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Do you have any strange phobias?

I Am Cacomorphobic......Look It Up!.........And I Also Have Me Mephobia.....!! FEAR THAT THE HUMAN RACE WILL DIE BECAUSE OF MY AWESOMENESS!!

Why Do Yuh Think Yur Life Is So Complicated?

Its Just Is, I Cant Even Explain It.....Thats How Complicating Its Is!

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callum and dolapo i beg you save your little .... flirting shit ting i cant even explain what it is but im about to vomit from it

Ur Saying This Like I Give A Fuck, Loool We Are Gonna Keep Carrying On Untill We Feel Like Stopping, I Dont Blame U, Ur Probably Some Loner..............Prick.

First you Get Lost in Them Then See If You Can Get Out Yourself! then Ill Teach You The Basics

Loool I Have Tried Getting Out!! I Failed............Epicly

Eye Training Starts Asap! you Need To Learn Not To Get Lost in My Eyes..!!

Lool! Ohkay What Learn First!

Why do u always sah blaaa and bleeh?

Well Basically, Me And Callum Started Using It As A Way To Express How Our Feelings, Mostly Wen We Are Feeling Down...!

dolly bebby, you are scaring the poor girl >:O

Pham I Dont Give A Fuck!! If A Nigga/Wigga Messes Wid Mah Man, Guarantee They Are Getting Fucked........End Off!................Prick.
Liked by: Tiah.

If you saw a guy that you thought looked hot, what would you do?

Blurghh.......Cos I Have A Boyfriend Imma Just Have To Leave it......But If I Didnt..........Well Thats Another Story......!
Acc I Did See A Guy That Looked Hot. And What Did I Do???.....I Went Out Wid Him!! And I Still Am!

How cum erritym I tri and b a nyc guy ppl alwaiz trii and put me down lyk da groun?

Well eye don rily kno y pipol do dat som tymes, u nid to sort Dem owt!


Language: English