
♚Queen Fareeda♚

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tbh I don't get why your friends with Ali. he is so fucking annoying and so fucking shit at soccer and his fake ass henna hair is makes me want to puke

I'm not specifically on speaking terms with the idiot but woW RUDE MUCH? He's actually a pretty awesome friend once you get to know him and he's beast at soccer so don't even go theRE. You don't even know him or anything and the fact that you're over there behind your screen making assumptions just shows the difference between why I'm friends with HIM and not YOU. He doesn't deserve any form of hate; especially when he hasn't done anything to you and you're just a pathetic attention seeker trying to stir up trouble. And lastly don't even get me staRTED ON HIS HAIR BC IT IS AMAZEBALLS unlike your dollarama dye job boo you better take a step away from your device and leave my friend alone or you'll be in some serious trouble if I find out who you are. I may be a nice person but mess with my friends and I will personally make your life a living hell so baCK OFF
And just a little visual if you're a bit on the illiterate side based on that poor formation of a sentence:

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itsfareeddaa’s Video 125690869441

You're honest to Gawd hilarious! In the halls, on social medias and especially on YouTube haha. I watch your videos here and there and they kill me every time! We should talk more though.

Why thank you  and maybe if you actually smiLE BACK WHEN I SMILe at you in the halls, we can start a convo buddy 

Ok I like this guy and I think he likes me how do I start a relationship going with him without tellin him how I feel n how do I find out forresure if he likes me back

Well if he doesn't know how you feel how you expect to start up something?¿? And to find out for sure to is get friends to find out discretely by asking him thoughts about people and just casually slipping your name in. And based on his reaction, they can tease him to see if he actually likes you or not

I really like this guy and I just got back from a ball with him. Buuuut he just broke up with his insane (ex) girlfriend... What do man what do

Wait a bit until you can find out what state of mind he's in after getting out of that relationship

I know this guy likes me( he doesn't know I know) and I DONT like him at all, I swear he stalks me at school he watches what I do and I sit in front of the class and he sits in the back and whenever I turn around I c him staring at me. I swear I want to throw up from it. What do I do?

Don't be completely mean but straight up go to him and say you feel uncomfortable with his eyes on you all the time and if he could kindly keep them in his socket

I think I really like this guy, and he "loves" me but I'm terrified of commitment. What do I do?

Tell him to chill and take it slower so you can both be at the same pace and if he really ""loves you"" he'll wait until you're comfortable enough and think you're ready to commit to him :)
Liked by: Ahmed

How to tell my boyfriend I want to break up with him because he's more of a white girl than I am

Be like "your ex is hot" and he'll be like "what ex?" Then be like "mE" and walk off
Liked by: Nabaa ♡

How do you fit like 29402739 words in your snaps? Like my snapchat has a limit

I jailbroke my phone and got a tweak for snapchat but I heard that if you use diction with earphones or something it will do more (without jail breaking)
Liked by: Nabaa ♡

What beauty? Your sparkling eyes. Perfect smile. Adorable laugh. And when you talk about something you love a lot,you are the most beautiful girl in the world.

looks like someone caught feels... but obviously for the wrONG PERSON

Is it weird that I have a crush on you? I've never really spoken to you but your wisdom and beauty shines through in your story and your Instagram. You're so amazing.

I not quite sure what beauty you're talking about but thank you I guess?¿?

The hunter you are besties with is hot af

can I just put it out there that I've literally seen everything except that kid's dick so yeAh I can think of some other words to describe him  ilh tho


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