
♚Queen Fareeda♚

Ask @itsfareeddaa

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Thoughts on the niners this year...

tbh I don't know that many but they're pretty chill. Pretty sure most of the rowdy ones branched off to other schools bc my sister told me about how they were at dances and everything last year. But I gotta say they're all so cute omg like you can just TELL they're niners. But yeah, the ones im friends with are awesome.
Liked by: Nabaa ♡ .

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Yes in g10

Um well he's really chill and can hold a good conversation. Have so much laughs with him and naema in french that our teacher basically hates us together lol. He's a good friend but w horrible texter and I love taking on the mom role and reminding him what to do!!! So many people are thirsty for him and it's so funny to me bc I'm friends with him LOL. And yeAh ILHSM!! (I'm a girl I canT helP saying that)
Liked by: Hasan Badr


She's nice and thinks she can match my sarcasm?¿? She's horrible at eyeliner and has deeper V necks than some girls can deepthroat (oops) but I love her to death and we have so much fun together and she's my official "meeting Internet friends/friends reuniting" buddy ;) she's pretty and funny to an extent and without her, french wouldn't be the same in our french squad
Liked by: . Naema Hassan

How many messages do you send per day?

texts; idk bc I talk to nic excessively and like maybe 2 other people and then there's this group kik but thERES ALSO SNAPCHAT so Idek I talk a lot
Liked by: .

lol me. but leave out the anything related to me and krushan on the first day lol

Ali Baz
But okayyy. When I met you on the first day I had to admit I thought I was doomed. But you turned out to be pretty chill tbh. Kinda whacky, but the good kind that things didn't get boring. You're such a cutie for gr9 AWWW. Someone needs to pinCH YOUR CHEEKS. (Aka me)
I don't see you around as much bc our school is huge and courses all over the place but we should actually talk sometime bc why not!!
Liked by: . Ali Baz

Kween(aka me)

Tbh Ik you as naema's younger sister and always will oops. You're so pretty and occasionally funny in the snaps she sends me of you!! We needa work on the shade of you acting like you don't knOW ME AT SCHOOL but asides from that you seem nice!!
Liked by: . Naema Hassan

Omg.. Yes, I honestly could say anything b/c honestly Idc. LOL! Btw I can't rock anything, but ty :).....Miss you too :( hurry home forra visit :) ....ilysm xoo❤️

Um yeSSS you rock everything from hair to clothes honey, case closed :))) and YESSS I do ugh :((( ily
Liked by: Joey-Marie

Moi :)

I miss you so miCH UGH :((((
I got to spend so little time with you before I moved back but we clicked like instantly. you're so pretty and that I'm actually jealous?¿? You can rock everything and you're so sweet but at the same time direct and that's why we got along so well I guess. I really wish I got to spend more time with you before I moved but ilysm and hope I can visit soon and meet up❤️
Liked by: Joey-Marie

Omg middle school shtap hated it ✋ and Thx but that's all you gurl! and Ye we should hmu sometime !!



I can saw that I've seen you in your prime time aka your middle school years ;) we somehow have a connection when we barely talk but I like that tbh!!! You're so pretty and I love stalking your ask bc niner drama ;) but yeah we should probably actually talk to each other more LOL
Liked by: .

Kay, let's start it off with the newfies! Sheleen burry?

Haven't ftd her in a while and really should've this break ugh. We've been through so much and she never fails to amaze me and ugh I wish that she lived next door tbh. She's one of the few people where we can be in a call for hours and just breathe or make faces at each other and it'll never get weird. It's just so easy and comfortable being with her and ugh I miss her so much you don't understand :((((((

hey, I just watched your new video. its really good and ur really funny. ive subscribed to ur channel and liked the video . keep up the good work :D

aww thank you ❤️
Liked by: Ahmed

Your boobs looked huge in that video! What size are you*_*

Out of all of what I'm saying you focus on that woW.
And nah, I'll just let you guess

Is your vid up yet?

It will be up today!! I stayed up till like 4am editing it so I just have to add music and it'll be up :)

Tbh fareeda your jokes!!!and your eyebrows are on point !we had good memories on the bus in tsms and I love your hugs and I just love you❤️ im blessed to have a friend like you

Aww ily <3


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