
Jessie Lynn.

Ask @jbailey4583

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Why did you post a picture of you crying? Do you want them to feel sorry for you or something

Why do you care?

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Y r u always so sad like ur tweets and instagram pics r so sad

Well if you were one of the 5 people I talked to last night you would know why, but tell me who this is and maybe I can tell you!

What's your favorite party game?

Is this some kind of a sick joke? You think I get invited to parties?

Do you prefer giving or receiving?

Giving; If I can make someone happy by giving them something, it's the best feeling in the world.

You're honestly an amazing, funny girl. You're B E A utiful. And don't let anyone tell you different. You probably think I'm just saying this to be nice, but I'm really not. I call em like I see em. And I see a girl with a huge heart and an outstanding personality. Keep being you girl.

Thank you! But you know what would make this better? If you told me who this was! I wanna thank you personally!

Js, dont listen to alexis. That shit isnt true & shes just jealous of your beauty.

Who is this!? Just like this answer you don't have to say it!!

What's been your greatest discovery on the web?

twitter and... no. just twitter. OH WAIT. and pinterest.

your stuck up... & think your little miss perfect

*you're. and at least I'm not hiding behind a computer screen..


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