
Jenna Bramlet

Ask @jennaboo

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I'm so depressed about everything and feel so alone, im about to go insane I've been sitting in my room for the past two hours bawling my eyes out. everyone who I thought would be there for me is not and id love to talk to someone:( I really need someone.. never felt this way.

Well I don't know who you are

You are one of a kind and I promise one day someone will treat you the way you deserve, you just have to be patient and the right one will come<3 you deserve nothing but the best and always remember that out of all of your haters, you have way more people in your life that love and care about you!

That's sweet!

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just like what you have to do i guess

There's a lot of things I could tell you. First off, for things to work out, you have to be willing to put in effort to make them work out. Usually if you're in a long relationship, you love the person. And if you love someone, them being happy is what makes you happy, so you have to both be trying to do that for each other. You have to swallow your pride sometimes and apologize first even if you're right. You have hang out and make time for each other. You have to be best friends, not just a couple. Idk there's a million things I could say but that's a start

You and Nick are just the most beautiful couple in this world! Don't listen to any of this bull shit they are just jealous of what you and Nick have!! Give them HELL Girlfriend

Thank you so much :)
Liked by: Haley Huffman

You and Nick have a bad relationship. I'm not saying this to be an anonymous hater. I'm saying this to make you guys realize that. You're not perfect for each other like you probably think. Get your head out of your ass.

Okay so I've gotten this same thing a couple times now probably from the same person and I didn't wanna answer it but now I'm going to.
No, nick and I don't have a perfect relationship. What couple does? Yeah, we fight and have some things we could probably work on and make better. Honestly, we're just kids that care about each other and we don't have to have everything together and perfect right now. We have a long time to work on things, fix things, change things, and figure things out no matter how things end up. I'm tired of people criticizing our relationship when you don't know the first thing about it and probably don't even understand how a long term, real relationship works.
That's what I have to say to any question I get talking about nick and mine's "bad relationship" so quit sending me them.

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Everyone is beautiful in there own way. You're beautiful in every way!! never think anything else<3 - anon nice person;)

Thank you!

Thoughts on jake Lowry, Thomas Bravo, Ryan Faircloth, and Brevin fields?

Jake - never really talked!
Thomas - idk him!
Ryan - we talked a couple times a long long time ago
Brevin - we don't really talk but he's funny!!

Hey I don't know you but don't listen to those jerks! They just feel bad about themselves so they try to rub it off on you! You seem so sweet, so keep your head up :)

Mackenzie Burns
Thanks love :)

I like to send nice things to everyone on ask unlike everyone else:) Everyone is beautiful. Everyone is nice. Everyone needs to be nice to everyone and our world will be good!

You're a great person!

thoughts on abortion?

Before a certain point, it's fine. Mothers choice. You don't know their life or what happened, so who is anyone to say wether or not someone is allowed to get an abortion.


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