
Jessica Coleman

Ask @jessicarosecoleman

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It makes me angry! Noone talks to my baby cousin like that. You are none of the mean words there saying and I'd be happy to kick there fucking head in! If they have a problem with you they can come see me!

Kelly Ingham
Thanks babe!!! I know who it is so it all good laaachiuuuu
Liked by: Kelly Ingham

I'm being serious, if they don't have the guts to say it to your face there insults aren't valued. There hiding behind anon which is fucking pathetic and they need to grow some balls, people like that are fucking pathetic and need a good smack in the face to get it thru there fucking thick skull.

It's so pathetic ay!!? But It makes me laugh
Liked by: Kelly Ingham

Jess find out who this cunt is! Ill come to Canberra and stomp the little sluts face in. I'm sick and tired of seeing people treat you like shit cause they have no life of any respect for you. Who ever you are get a life and stop treating my cousin like shit or ill deal with you myself cunt!

Kelly Ingham
Lets brawl !!!!!!!!!!!! Shiet I love you
Liked by: Kelly Ingham

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No one gives a fuck who ur related to ya mad run at me

I know who you are you psycho bitch! Every girl Daniel talks to you abuse them because your fucking jealous that he doesn't like you! You spend your fucking life trying to fuck up Daniels life! I'm over your petty shit grow the fuck up! Goodbye

Why would people want to start shit with you ? Your so nice and happy and they obviously don't know who your related to!

Yeah actually but hahaha i fucking hate girls
Liked by: Lada Ludina

What the fuck is the go with this cock sucker anon, seriously grow some balls cunt, don't talk to my cousin like that or ill fucking gutter stomp your teeth in you pathetic excuse for a human being. Have nothing nice to say don't fucking say it at all. Fucking dog cunt, love you Jess!

Kelly Ingham
Fuck yea you tell em haha! im too awesome for drama haha Fuck love you!!!! Xoxox

Don't listen to what that low life bitch is saying your beautiful and such a nice caring person and anyone would be lucky to have you

:) naw thanks braaah

You don't make sense what the hell. I'm not having a go at you. I'm just telling you he still texts his ex saying he loves her. So be a careful and if you don't believe me her name is Kara monterosso so you can ask her yourself

Thanks but like i really don't care

Well he has not made it clear enough because he still text his ex that he loves her don't believe me ask her

Why would I trust someone lies about who they are, your name isn't anon... Reveal yourself or stop talking! poopie


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